
SRFI 159: Combinator Formatting


Alex Shinn


This SRFI is currently in withdrawn status. Here is an explanation of each status that a SRFI can hold. To provide input on this SRFI, please send email to srfi-159@nospamsrfi.schemers.org. To subscribe to the list, follow these instructions. You can access previous messages via the mailing list archive.

Table of Contents


A library of procedures for formatting Scheme objects to text in various ways, and for easily concatenating, composing and extending these formatters efficiently without resorting to capturing and manipulating intermediate strings.


There are several approaches to text formatting. Concatenating strings to display is not acceptable, since it doesn't scale to very large output. The simplest realistic idea, and what people resort to in typical portable Scheme, is to interleave display and write and manual loops, but this is both extremely verbose and doesn't compose well. A simple concept such as padding space can't be achieved directly without somehow capturing intermediate output.

The traditional approach in other languages is to use templates - typically strings, though in theory any object could be used and indeed Emacs's mode-line format templates allow arbitrary sexps. Templates can use either escape sequences (as in C's printf and Common Lisp's format) or pattern matching (as in Visual Basic's Format, Perl6's form, and SQL date formats). The primary disadvantage of templates is the relative difficulty (usually impossibility) of extending them, their opaqueness, and the unreadability that arises with complex formats. Templates are not without their advantages, but they are already addressed by other libraries such as SRFI 28 and SRFI 48.

Another important aspect of formatting is state. Common Lisp format provides a "fresh-line" format spec which outputs a newline only if the output stream is not already at the beginning of a line. C++ iostreams allow changing the radix and floating-point precision for numeric output, not just for a single value but as a persistent setting for all future output. Custom formatters which could manipulate their own state would allow for many new possibilities.

This SRFI takes a combinator approach to solving both problems. Formatters are defined, which are called to produce their output as needed, composed with other formatters, and refer to and update arbitrary state. The primary goal of this SRFI is to have a maximally expressive and extensible formatting library. The next most important goal is scalability - to be able to handle arbitrarily large output and not build intermediate results except where necessary. The third goal is brevity and ease of use.


show each each-in-list
displayed written written-simply
pretty pretty-simply escaped maybe-escaped
numeric numeric/comma numeric/si numeric/fitted
nl fl space-to tab-to nothing
joined joined/prefix joined/suffix
joined/last joined/dot joined/range
padded padded/right padded/both
trimmed trimmed/right trimmed/both
trimmed/lazy fitted fitted/right fitted/both
fn with with! forked call-with-output
port row col width output writer
string-width pad-char ellipsis
radix precision decimal-sep decimal-align
columnar tabular wrapped wrapped/list wrapped/char
justified from-file line-numbers
as-unicode unicode-terminal-width
as-red as-blue as-green as-cyan as-yellow
as-magenta as-white as-black as-bold as-underline

Types and Naming Conventions

We introduce a new type, formatter, which is disjoint from any type except possibly procedures.

In the prototypes below the following naming conventions imply type restrictions:


The SRFI is divided into a core implementation and three utility libraries, which could be defined portably in terms of the core but are provided as convenience extensions. The libraries are as follows:

  (srfi 159)           ; composite of all of the following
  (srfi 159 base)      ; all bindings not in one of the following
  (srfi 159 columnar)  ; all bindings in Columnar Formatting
  (srfi 159 unicode)   ; all bindings in Unicode
  (srfi 159 color)     ; all bindings in Formatting with Color


(show output-dest fmt ...)

The entry point for all formatting. Applies the fmt formatters in sequence, accumulating the output to output-dest. As with SRFI 28 format, output-dest can be an output port, #t to indicate the current output port, or #f to accumulate the output into a string and return that as the result of show.

Each fmt should be a formatter as discussed below. As a convenience, non-formatter arguments are also allowed and are formatted as if wrapped with displayed, described below, so that

    (show #f "π = " (with ((precision 2)) (acos -1)) nl)
would return the string "π = 3.14\n".

As mentioned, formatters are an opaque type and cannot directly be applied outside of show. Custom formatters are built on the existing formatters, and as first class objects may be named or computed dynamically, so that:

  (let ((~.2f (lambda (x) (with ((precision 2)) x))))
    (show #f "π = " (~.2f (acos -1)) nl))
produces the same result. For typical uses you only need to combine the existing high level formatters described in the succeeding sections, but see the section Higher Order Formatters and State for control flow and state manipulation primitives.

The return value of show is the accumulated string if output-dest is #f and unspecified otherwise.

Formatting Objects

(displayed obj)

If obj is a formatter, returns obj as is. Otherwise, outputs obj using display semantics. Specifically, strings are output as if by write-string and characters are written as if by write-char. Other objects are output as with written (including nested strings and chars inside obj). This is the default behavior for top-level formats in show, each and most other high-level formatters.

(written obj)

Outputs obj using write semantics. Uses the current numeric formatting settings to the extent that the written result can still be passed to read, possibly with loss of precision. Specifically, the current radix is used if set to any of 2, 8, 10 or 16, and the fixed point precision is used if specified and the radix is 10.

(show #f (written (cons 0 1)))
=> "(0 . 1)"
(show #f 1.5 " " (with ((precision 0)) 1.5))
=> "1.5 2"
(show #f 1/7 " " (with ((precision 3)) 1/7)
             " " (with ((precision 20)) 1/7))
=> "1/7 0.143 0.14285714285714285714"

Implementations should allow arbitrary precision for exact rational numbers, for example, using string-segment from SRFI 152, the following code returns the first 100 Fibonacci numbers:

(map string->number
      (show #f (with ((precision 2500))
                 (/ 1000 (- #e1e50 #e1e25 1))))
(written-simply obj)

As above, but doesn't handle shared structures. Infinite loops can still be avoided if used inside a formatter that truncates data (see trimmed and fitted below).

(pretty obj)

Pretty-prints obj. The result should be identical to written except possibly for differences in whitespace to make the output resemble formatted source code. Implementations should print vectors and data lists (lists that don't begin with a (nested) symbol) in a tabular format when possible to reduce vertical space.

(pretty-simply obj)

As above but without sharing.

(escaped str [quote-ch esc-ch renamer])

Outputs the string str, escaping any quote or escape characters. If esc-ch, which defaults to #\\, is #f, escapes only the quote-ch, which defaults to #\", by doubling it, as in SQL strings and CSV values. If renamer is provided, it should be a procedure of one character which maps that character to its escape value, e.g. #\newline => #\n, or #f if there is no escape value.

(show #f (escaped "hi, bob!"))
=> "hi, bob!"

(show #f (escaped "hi, \"bob!\""))
=> "hi, \"bob!\""
(maybe-escaped str pred [quote-ch esc-ch renamer])

Like escaped, but first checks if any quoting is required (by the existence of either any quote or escape characters, or any character matching pred), and if so outputs the string in quotes and with escapes. Otherwise outputs the string as is. This is useful for quoting symbols and CSV output, etc.

(show #f (maybe-escaped "foo" char-whitespace? #\"))
=> "foo"
(show #f (maybe-escaped "foo bar" char-whitespace? #\"))
=> "\"foo bar\""
(show #f (maybe-escaped "foo\"bar\"baz" char-whitespace? #\"))
=> "\"foo\"bar\"baz\""

Formatting Numbers

(numeric num [radix precision sign comma comma-sep decimal-sep])

Formats a single number num. You can optionally specify any radix from 2 to 36 (even if num isn't an integer). precision forces a fixed-point format.

A sign of #t indicates to output a plus sign (+) for positive integers. However, if sign is a pair of two strings, it means to wrap negative numbers with the two strings. For example, ("(" . ")") prints negative numbers in parentheses, financial style: -1.99 => (1.99).

comma is an integer specifying the number of digits between commas.

comma-sep is the character to use for commas, defaulting to #\,.

decimal-sep is the character to use for decimals, defaulting to #\., or to #\, (European style) if comma-sep is already #\..

These parameters may seem unwieldy, but they can also take their defaults from state variables, described below.

(numeric/comma num [base precision sign])

Shortcut for numeric to print with commas.

(show #f (numeric/comma 1234567))
=> "1,234,567"
(numeric/si num [base separator])

Abbreviates num with an SI suffix as in the -h or --si option to many GNU commands. The base defaults to 1024, using suffix names like Ki, Mi, Gi, etc. Other bases (e.g. the standard 1000) have the suffixes k, M, G, etc. If separator is provided, it is inserted after the number, before any suffix.

(show #f (numeric/si 608))
=> "608"
(show #f (numeric/si 608) "B")
=> "608B"
(show #f (numeric/si 608 1000 " ") "B")
=> "608 B"
(show #f (numeric/si 3986))
=> "3.9Ki"
(show #f (numeric/si 3986 1000) "B")
=> "4kB"
(show #f (numeric/si 1.23e-6 1000) "m")
=> "1.2µm"
(show #f (numeric/si 1.23e-6 1000 " ") "m")
=> "1.2 µm"

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix for the complete list of abbreviations.

(numeric/fitted width n . args)

Like numeric, but if the result doesn't fit in width using the current precision, output instead a string of hashes rather than showing an incorrectly truncated number. For example

(show #f (with ((precision 2)) (numeric/fitted 4 1.25)))
=> "1.25"
(show #f (with ((precision 2)) (numeric/fitted 4 12.345)))
=> "#.##"

Formatting Space


Outputs a newline.

(show #f nl)
=> "\n"

Short for "fresh line," outputs a newline only if we're not already at the start of a line.

(show #f fl)
=> ""
(show #f "hi" fl)
=> "hi\n"
(show #f "hi" nl fl)
=> "hi\n"
(space-to column)

Outputs spaces up to the given column. If the current column is already >= column, does nothing. The character used for spacing is the current value of pad-char, described below, which defaults to space. Columns are zero-based.

(show #f "a" (space-to 5) "b")
=> "a    b"
(show #f "a" (space-to 0) "b")
=> "ab"
(tab-to [tab-width])

Outputs spaces up to the next tab stop, using tab stops of width tab-width, which defaults to 8. If already on a tab stop, does nothing. If you want to ensure you always tab at least one space, you can use (each " " (tab-to width)). Columns are zero-based.

(show #f (tab-to 5) "b")
=> "b"
(show #f "a" (tab-to 5) "b")
=> "a    b"
(show #f "abcdefghi" (tab-to 5) "b")
=> "abcdefghi b"

Outputs nothing (useful in combinators and as a default noop in conditionals).

(show #f "a" nothing "b")
=> "ab"


(each fmt ...)

Applies each fmt in sequence, as in the top-level of show.

(show #f (each "a" "b"))
=> "ab"
(each-in-list list-of-fmts)

Equivalent to (apply each list-of-fmts) but may be more efficient.

(joined mapper list [sep])

Formats each element elt of list with (mapper elt), inserting sep in between. sep defaults to the empty string, but can be any format or string.

(show #f (joined displayed '(a b c) ", "))
=> "a, b, c"
(joined/prefix mapper list [sep])
(joined/suffix mapper list [sep])
(show #f (joined/prefix displayed '(usr local bin) "/"))
=> "/usr/local/bin"
(show #f (joined/suffix displayed '(1 2 3) nl))
=> "1\n2\n3\n"
As joined, but inserts sep before/after every element.
(joined/last mapper last-mapper list [sep])

As joined, but the last element of the list is formatted with last-mapper instead.

(show #f (joined/last displayed
                      (lambda (last) (each "and " last))
                      '(lions tigers bears)
                      ", "))
=> "lions, tigers, and bears"
(joined/dot mapper dot-mapper list [sep])

As joined, but if the list is a dotted list, then formats the dotted value with dot-mapper instead.

(show #f
      (joined/dot displayed
		  (lambda (dot) (each ". " dot))
		  '(1 2 . 3)
		  " ")
=> "(1 2 . 3)"
(joined/range mapper start [end sep])

As joined, but counts from start (inclusive) to end (exclusive), formatting each integer in the range with mapper. If end is #f or unspecified, produces an infinite stream of output.

(show #f (joined/range displayed 0 5 " "))
=> "0 1 2 3 4"

Padding and Trimming

(padded width fmt ...)
(padded/right width fmt ...)
(padded/both width fmt ...)

Analogs of SRFI 13 string-pad, these add extra space to the left, right or both sides of the output generated by the fmts to pad it to width. If width is exceeded, has no effect. padded/both will include one more extra space on the right side of the output if the difference is odd.

padded/right is guaranteed not to accumulate any intermediate data.

Note these are column-oriented padders, so won't necessarily work with multi-line output (padding doesn't seem a likely operation for multi-line output).

(show #f (padded 5 "abc"))
=> "  abc"
(show #f (padded/right 5 "abc"))
=> "abc  "
(show #f (padded/both 5 "abc"))
=> " abc "
(trimmed width fmt ...)
(trimmed/right width fmt ...)
(trimmed/both width fmt ...)

Analogs of SRFI 13 string-trim, these truncate the output of the fmts to force it in under width columns. As soon as any of the fmts exceeds width, stop formatting and truncate the result, returning control to whoever called trimmed. If width is not exceeded, is equivalent to each.

If a truncation ellipsis is set, then when any truncation occurs trimmed and trimmed/right will prepend and append the ellipsis, respectively. trimmed/both will both prepend and append. The length of the ellipsis will be considered when truncating the original string, so that the total width will never be longer than width. It is an error if width is less than the length of ellipsis, or double the length for /both.

(show #f (with ((ellipsis "...")) (trimmed 5 "abcde")))
=>  "abcde"
(show #f (with ((ellipses "...")) (trimmed 5 "abcdef")))
=>  "ab..."
It is an error if width is shorter than the width of the ellipsis.
(trimmed/lazy width fmt ...)

A variant of trimmed which generates each fmt in left to right order, and truncates and terminates immediately if more than width characters are generated. Thus this is safe to use with an infinite amount of output, e.g. from written-simply on an infinite list.

(fitted width fmt ...)
(fitted/right width fmt ...)
(fitted/both width fmt ...)

A combination of padded and trimmed that ensures that the output width is exactly width, truncating if it goes over and padding if it goes under.

Columnar Formatting

The following procedures are provided in the (srfi 159 columnar) library.

Although tab-to, space-to and padding/trimming can be used to manually align columns to produce table-like output, these can be tedious to use. The optional extensions in this section make this easier.

(columnar column ...)

Formats each column side-by-side, i.e. as though each were formatted separately and then the individual lines concatenated together. The current line width (from the width state variable) is divided evenly among the columns, and all but the last column are right-padded. For example

(show #t (columnar (displayed "abc\ndef\n")
                   (displayed "123\n456\n")))
abc     123
def     456
assuming a 16-char width (the left side gets half the width, or 8 spaces, and is left aligned). Note that we explicitly use displayed instead of the strings directly. This is because columnar treats raw strings as literals inserted into the given location on every line, to be used as borders, for example:
(show #t (columnar "/* " (displayed "abc\ndef\n")
                   " | " (displayed "123\n456\n")
                   " */"))
would output
/* abc | 123 */
/* def | 456 */
You may also prefix any column with any of the symbols 'left, 'right or 'center to control the justification. The symbol 'infinite can be used to indicate the column generates an infinite stream of output.

You can further prefix any column with a width modifier. Any positive integer is treated as a fixed width, ignoring the available width. Any real number between 0 and 1 indicates a fraction of the available width (after subtracting out any fixed widths). Columns with unspecified width divide up the remaining width evenly. If the extra space does not divide evenly, it is allocated column-wise left to right, e.g. if the width of 78 is divided among 5 columns, the column widths become 16, 16, 16, 15, 15 in order.

Note that columnar builds its output incrementally, interleaving calls to the generators until each has produced a line, then concatenating that line together and outputting it. This is important because as noted above, some columns may produce an infinite stream of output, and in general you may want to format data larger than can fit into memory. Thus columnar would be suitable for line numbering a file of arbitrary size, or implementing the Unix yes(1) command, etc.

(tabular column ...)

Equivalent to columnar except that each column is padded at least to the minimum width required on any of its lines. Thus

(show #t (tabular "|" (each "a\nbc\ndef\n") "|"
                      (each "123\n45\n6\n") "|"))
|a  |123|
|bc |45 |
|def|6  |
This makes it easier to generate tables without knowing widths in advance. However, because it requires generating the entire output in advance to determine the correct column widths, tabular cannot format a table larger than would fit in memory.
(wrapped fmt ...)

Behaves like each, except text is accumulated and lines are wrapped to fit in the current width as in the Unix fmt(1) command. Specifically, words are tokenized by splitting on all characters which satisfy the predicate in the parameter word-separator?, which defaults to char-whitespace?. Words are grouped into lines separating them by space, and line breaks are introduced to minimize the sum of the cube of trailing whitespace on every line.

(wrapped/list list-of-strings)

Like wrapped, but taking a pre-tokenized list of strings.

(wrapped/char fmt ...)

As wrapped, but splits simply on individual characters exactly as the current width is reached on each line. Thus there is nothing to optimize and this formatter doesn't buffer output.

(justified <format> ...)

Like wrapped except the lines are full-justified.

(define func
  '(define (fold kons knil ls)
     (let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))
       (if (null? ls) acc (lp (cdr ls) (kons (car ls) acc))))))

(define doc
    "The fundamental list iterator.  Applies KONS to each "
    "element of LS and the result of the previous application, "
    "beginning with KNIL.  With KONS as CONS and KNIL as '(), "
    "equivalent to REVERSE."))

(show #t (columnar (pretty func) " ; " (justified doc)))
(define (fold kons knil ls)          ; The   fundamental   list   iterator.
  (let lp ((ls ls) (acc knil))       ; Applies  KONS  to  each  element  of
    (if (null? ls)                   ; LS  and  the  result of the previous
        acc                          ; application,  beginning  with  KNIL.
        (lp (cdr ls)                 ; With  KONS  as CONS and KNIL as '(),
            (kons (car ls) acc)))))  ; equivalent to REVERSE.
(from-file pathname)

Displays the contents of the file pathname one line at a time, so that in typical formatters such as columnar only constant memory is consumed, making this suitable for formatting files of arbitrary size.

(line-numbers [start])

A convenience utility, just formats an infinite stream of numbers (in the current radix) beginning with start, which defaults to 1.

The Unix nl(1) utility could be implemented as:

(show #t (columnar 4 'right 'infinite (line-numbers)
                   " " (from-file "read-line.scm")))
which might output:
   2 (define (read-line . o)
   3   (let ((port (if (pair? o) (car o) (current-input-port))))
   4     (let lp ((res '()))
   5       (let ((c (read-char port)))
   6         (if (or (eof-object? c) (eqv? c #\newline))
   7             (list->string (reverse res))
   8             (lp (cons c res)))))))

Formatting with Color

The following procedures are provided in the (srfi 159 color) library.
(as-red fmt ...)
(as-blue fmt ...)
(as-green fmt ...)
(as-cyan fmt ...)
(as-yellow fmt ...)
(as-magenta fmt ...)
(as-white fmt ...)
(as-black fmt ...)
(as-bold fmt ...)
(as-underline fmt ...)

Outputs the formatters colored or (boldened or underline) with ANSI escapes, for use when formatting to a terminal.


The following procedures are provided in the (srfi 159 unicode) library.
(as-unicode fmt ...)

Equivalent to

  (with ((string-width unicode-terminal-width)) fmt ...)
Padding, trimming and tabbing, etc. will generally not do the right thing in the presence of zero-width and double-width Unicode characters. This formatter overrides the string-width state var used in column tracking to do the right thing in such cases, considering Unicode double or full width characters as 2 characters wide (as they typically are in fixed-width terminals), while treating combining and non-spacing characters as 0 characters wide.
;; 3 characters padded to 5
(show #f (with ((pad-char #\〜)) (padded/both 5 "日本語")))
=> "〜日本語〜"

;; the 3 characters have a terminal width of 6 so are not padded
(show #f (as-unicode (with ((pad-char #\〜)) (padded/both 5 "日本語"))))
=> "日本語"
(unicode-terminal-width str)

A utility function which returns the integer number of columns str would require in a terminal, according to the following rules:

  1. non-spacing characters (format control characters with the property Cf, or non-spacing marks with the property Mn) count as 0 columns
  2. characters with the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian Fullwidth (F) properties, according to Unicode TR #11, count as 2 columns
  3. characters with the Halfwidth (H) or Narrow (Na) should count as 1 column
  4. characters with the Neutral (N) non-East Asian also count as 1 column
  5. characters with the Ambiguous (A) property are implementation defined
  6. ANSI terminal escapes, as output by the color formatters above, count as 0 columns
  7. the tab character is implementation defined

Implementations should support the properties from at least the current Unicode specification at time of writing this SRFI, 10.0.0.

Higher Order Formatters and State

Formatters up to this point have been simple accumulators of output, with no control flow or handling of state. Both of these are provided by fn and with for getting and setting state, respectively.

A formatter is essentially an environment monad, although the underlying implementation is unspecified.

(fn ((id state-var) ...) expr ... fmt)

Short for "function," this is the analog to lambda. Returns a formatter which on application evaluates each expr and fmt in left-to-right order, in a lexical environment extended with each identifier id bound to the current value of the state variable named by the symbol state-var. The result of the fmt is then applied as a formatter.

As a convenience, any (id state-var) list may be abbreviated as simply id, indicating id is bound to the state variable of the same (symbol) name.

(show #f "column: " (fn (col) col))
=> "column: 8"

(show #f "column: " (fn ((col1 col))
                     (each col1 ", " (fn ((col2 col)) col2))))
=> "column: 8, 11"

The trivial case of no state variables is often useful to allow for lazy applications of formatters, needed for conditional formatting and loops. For example:

(show #t (let lp ((ls ls))
           (if (pair? ls)
               (each (car ls) (lp (cdr ls)))
would eagerly create a formatter concatenating every element of ls before starting to accumulate any output, whereas
(show #t (let lp ((ls ls))
           (if (pair? ls)
               (each (car ls) (fn () (lp (cdr ls))))
would lazily apply the formatters one at a time.
(with ((state-var value) ...) fmt ...)

Conceptually the formatting equivalent of parameterize, temporarily altering state variables. Applies each of the formatters fmt with each state-var bound to the corresponding value. The resulting state is then updated to restore each state-var to its original value.

(with! (state-var value) ...)

Similar to with but does not restore the original values, changing the value of each state-var for any remaining formatters in a sequence.

(forked fmt1 fmt2)

Calls fmt1 on (a conceptual copy of) the current state, then fmt2 on the same original state as though fmt1 had not been called.

(call-with-output formatter mapper)

A utility, calls formatter on a copy of the current state (as with forked), accumulating the results into a string. Then calls the formatter resulting from (mapper result-string) on the original state.

Standard State Variables

The following state variables have predefined meanings with the formatters in this SRFI.


The textual port output is written to, this can be overridden to capture intermediate output.


The current row of output.


The current column of output, used for padding and spacing, etc.


The current line width, used for wrapping, pretty-printing, and columnar formatting. The default is implementation-defined.


The underlying standard formatter for writing a single string. The default value outputs the string while tracking the current row and col. This can be overridden both to capture intermediate output and perform transformations on strings before outputting, but should generally wrap the existing output to preserve expected behavior.


The mapper for automatic formatting of non-string/char values in top-level show, each and other formatters. Default value is implementation-defined.


A function of a single string, it returns the length in columns of that string, used by the default output.


The character used by space-to, tab-to and other padding formatters.

(define (print-table-of-contents alist)
  (define (print-line x)
    (each (car x) (space-to 72) (padded 3 (cdr x))))
  (show #t (with ((pad-char #\.))
             (joined/suffix print-line alist nl))))

 '(("An Unexpected Party" . 29)
   ("Roast Mutton" . 60)
   ("A Short Rest" . 87)
   ("Over Hill and Under Hill" . 100)
   ("Riddles in the Dark" . 115)))
would output
An Unexpected Party.....................................................29
Roast Mutton............................................................60
A Short Rest............................................................87
Over Hill and Under Hill...............................................100
Riddles in the Dark....................................................115

The string used when truncating as described in trimmed.


The radix for numeric output, defaulting to 10, as used in numeric and written.


The precision for numeric output, as described in numeric and written. The precision specifies the number of digits written after the decimal point. If the numeric value to be written out requires more digits to represent it than precision, the written representation is chosen which is closest to the numeric value and representable with the specified precision. If the numeric value falls on the midpoint of two such representations, it is implementation dependent which representation is chosen.

When the numeric value is an inexact floating-point number, there is more than one interpretation of this "rounding". One is to take the effective value the floating-point number represents (e.g. if we use binary floating-point numbers, we take the value of (* sign mantissa (expt 2 exponent))), and compare it to the two closest numeric representations of the given precision. Another way is to obtain the default notation of the floating-point number and apply rounding to it. The former (we call it effective rounding) is consistent with most floating-point number operations, but may lead to a more non-intuitive result than the latter (we call it notational rounding). For example, 5.015 can't be represented exactly in binary floating-point numbers. With IEEE754 floating-point numbers, the floating point number closest to 5.015 is smaller than exact 5.015, i.e. (< 5.015 5015/1000) => #t. With effective rounding with precision 2, it should result in "5.01". However, users who look at the notation may be confused by "5.015" not being rounded up as they usually expect. With notational rounding the implementation chooses "5.02" (if it also adopts round-half-to-infinity or round-half-up rule). It is up to the implementation to choose which interpretation to adopt.


The decimal separator for floating point output, default ".".


Specifies an alignment for the decimal place when formatting numbers, and is useful for outputting tables of numbers.

(define (print-angles x)
  (joined numeric (list x (sin x) (cos x) (tan x)) " "))

(show #t (with ((decimal-align 5) (precision 3))
           (joined/suffix print-angles (iota 5) nl)))
would output
 0.000    0.000    1.000    0.000
 1.000    0.842    0.540    1.557
 2.000    0.909   -0.416   -2.185
 3.000    0.141   -0.990   -0.142
 4.000   -0.757   -0.654    1.158

A character predicate used to tokenize words for wrapped and justify. Defaults to char-whitespace?. More flexibility is available with wrapped/list.


A reference implementation in portable R7RS is available at https://github.com/ashinn/chibi-scheme/blob/master/lib/chibi/show.sld, and included files, depending on SRFI 1, 69, 117, 130.

The reference implementation is an environment monad, with a pluggable backend allowing either passing explicit state or maintaining all state variables in parameters. Note columnar and trimmed/lazy rely on first-class continuations, however an implementation written in CPS-style would not require this.


      Alex Shinn, John Cowan, Arthur Gleckler,
      Revised^7 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
      Guy L. Steele Jr., Common Lisp Hyperspec
      Scott G. Miller, SRFI 28 - Basic Format Strings
      Ken Dickey, SRFI 48 - Intermediate Format Strings
      C++ iomanip
      Damian Conway, Perl6 Exegesis 7 - formatting
      Alex Shinn, fmt - Combinator Formatting
      Ken Lunde, Unicode® Standard Annex #11 - East Asian Width


Copyright (C) Alex Shinn 2017. All Rights Reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Editor: Arthur A. Gleckler