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Re: A few typos in the latest SRFI-44 drafts

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 44 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 44 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 11:52:09AM -0700, oleg@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello!
> >        procedure: *-get-left * [default]=> value
> >            Returns an unspecified value from the given
> >            collection. If the collection is empty, default is 
> >            returned if present, otherwise #f is returned.
> Hmm, "Returns an unspecified value". I know what you mean. However,
> that word, 'unspecified', immediately reminded me a R5RS phrase "the
> return value of the set! expression is unspecified". It isn't the same
> unspecified, is it? Perhaps a phrase "Returns a value from the given
> collection. For a general collection, it is unspecified which of its
> values is returned. Ordered collection specify that." might be more
> suitable.

I agree.

> >            procedure: dict? value => boolean
> >                 Returns a non-false value if the provided value is a flexible
> >                 sequence
> You probably meant "dictionary" rather than a "flexible sequence".

> 	I also have a half-hearted suggestion about dictionaries.
> collection-fold-left on dictionaries iterates on
> values. collection-fold-keys-left iterates on keys. Somehow there
> isn't anything that iterates on keys and the corresponding values. At
> the first blush, keys+values seem to be a bit more useful than merely
> values. Furthermore, it's usually quite easy for a collection to
> obtain the corresponding key when iterating over values. OTH,
> iterating on keys and using dict-get to get the corresponding value is
> usually far less efficient. I thought that perhaps
> collection-fold-left can pass to its fold-function not merely a value
> but a pair (key . value). This is just a remark.

It could, but that might impede passing dictionaries as ordinary 
collections to routines.  Take for example a program which stores its 
data in a dictionary in order to provide quick access using a key to a 
single value, but wants to pass that dictionary as a blob of values to 
some function that is written to accept any collection.

Passing keys+values to the proc in a collection-fold-keys-* should be 
fine however.  

CCing to the discussion list.


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