
Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer, taylanbayirli at Google Mail


This SRFI is currently in final status. Here is an explanation of each status that a SRFI can hold. To provide input on this SRFI, please send email to To subscribe to the list, follow these instructions. You can access previous messages via the mailing list archive.


Lisp dialects including Scheme have traditionally lacked short, simple, generic syntax for accessing and modifying the fields of arbitrary "collection" objects. We fill this gap for Scheme by defining generalized accessors, and an associated SRFI-17 setter.


In some types of code-bases, accessing and modifying fields of certain collection objects (such as vectors, hashtables, or records) are ubiquitous operations. Standard Scheme APIs contain verbose procedure names specialized for each data type, which may become very tedious to type, and clutter the code.

In contrast, most other languages offer very short and simple syntax for such operations, such as square bracket and dotted notation: object[field] and object.field for access; object[field] = value and object.field = value for modification.

To accommodate, we define a pair of generic accessor operators that work through type-based dynamic dispatch: (ref object field), and (ref* object field1 field2 ...) for chained access.

(ref #(a b c) 1)  ;=> b
(ref* #(a (x y #u8(1 2 3)) c) 1 2 0)  ;=> 1

We define ~ as a synonym to ref*, and define a SRFI-17 setter for it.

(define struct #(a (x y #u8(1 2 3)) c))
(set! (~ struct 1 2 0) 4)
struct  ;=> #(a (x y #u8(4 2 3)) c)

Plain ref, instead of allowing chaining, takes an optional "default" argument for objects such as hashtables.

(define table (make-eqv-hashtable))
(ref table "foo" 'not-found)  ;=> not-found
(set! (~ table "foo") "Foobar.")
(ref table "foo" 'not-found)  ;=> "Foobar."

Lack of a default argument is an error in this case. Since ref* cannot take default arguments for any fields it accesses, it is an error when a hashtable key in the chain is not found.

(define table (make-eqv-hashtable))
(define lst (list 0 1 table 3))
(ref* lst 2 "foo" 'x)  ;error while accessing "foo" from table

We believe the overhead involved in the dynamic dispatch is negligible in most cases, and furthermore a programmer can always fall back to type-specific accessor and modifier procedures in performance-critical sections of code.

The operators are specified to work on bytevectors, R6RS hashtables, lists/pairs, strings, vectors, non-opaque record types, SRFI-4 vectors, and SRFI-111 boxes. (R6RS and SRFI-99 can produce opaque record types; SRFI-9 and R7RS cannot.) Some notes on specific types:

Alists are difficult to support due to the lack of a reliable alist? predicate. (It's ambiguous in that every alist is also a list, and any list may coincidentally have the structure of an alist.) It was considered to support non-integer keyed alists as a special case, but this would lead to silent code breakage when a programmer forgot about the API inconsistency and exchanged a non-integer key for an integer key in existing code. It was also considered to drop list support in favor of alist support, but that idea discarded as well because the hypothetical alist-set! is an exceedingly rare operation. (Prepending an entry to the front, possibly hiding another entry with the same key, is more common.)

Integration with SRFI-105

The ref* procedure is a good candidate for SRFI-105's $bracket-apply$. Indeed the sample implementation exports $bracket-apply$ as a synonym to ref*. In code that already uses SRFI-105 heavily, a programmer may additionally define := as a synonym to set!, and then use the following syntax: {object[field] := value}.

(import (rename (only (scheme base) set!) (set! :=)))
(define vec (vector 0 1 2 3))
{vec[1] + vec[2]}  ;=> 3
{vec[2] := 4}
{vec[1] + vec[2]}  ;=> 5

The square brackets accept a chain of fields, since they have the semantics of ref*: {matrix[i j]}.


Within this section, whenever a situation is described as being an error, a Scheme implementation supporting error signaling should signal an error.

Returns the value for field in object. It is an error if object has no field identified by field.

(ref #(0 1 2) 3)  ;error: vector-ref: Index out of bounds.

If object is of a "sparse" type, meaning its fields can be "empty" or "unassigned" (e.g. a hashtable), and the requested field is empty, then the value of default is returned. It is an error if the default argument is not provided in this case.

(ref hashtable unassigned-key 'default)  ;=> default
(ref hashtable unassigned-key)  ;error

If object is not of a sparse type, then providing the default argument is an error.

(ref '(0 1 2) 3 'default)  ;error: list-ref: Too many arguments.

Valid types for object are: bytevectors, hashtables, pairs, strings, vectors, non-opaque record types, SRFI-4 vectors, and SRFI-111 boxes. Only hashtables are a sparse type. Implementations are encouraged to expand this list of types with any further types they support.

Valid types for field depend on the type of object. For bytevectors, hashtables, strings, vectors, and SRFI-4 vectors, refer to their respective *-ref procedures. For pairs, the symbols car and cdr are accepted, as well as non-negative integers as with list-ref. For records, symbols that correspond with the record type's field names are allowed. For boxes, the symbol * is used to denote the one value field of the box.

A conforming implementation must be prepared for SRFI-4 vector types and bytevectors not being disjoint types, and treat SRFI-4 vectors suitably and not as regular bytevectors.

A conforming implementation must also be prepared for boxes being a non-opaque record type instead of a disjoint type, and treat them correctly despite that fact.

The ref procedure has an associated SRFI-17 setter, although the one of ref* is strictly more powerful.

(define vec (vector 0 1 2))
(set! (ref vec 0) 3)
vec  ;=> #(3 1 2)

The semantics of this procedure is as follows:

(ref* object field)            = (ref object field)
(ref* object field field+ ...) = (ref* (ref object field) field+ ...)

It has an associated SRFI-17 setter, which does the expected thing:

(set! (~ obj f1 f2 f3) value)

changes the value that would be returned from (~ obj f1 f2 f3) to value. Note that this procedure can be accessed as (setter ref*) when needed:

(define (store-item! field-chain value)
  (apply (setter ref*) the-store (append field-chain (list value))))

Registers a new type/getter/setter triple for the dynamic dispatch. Type is a type predicate, getter is a procedure that has a setter associated with it, and sparse? is a Boolean indicating whether the type is a sparse type (see ref specification).

If sparse? is false, the getter will be called with two arguments: the object whose field should be accessed, and an object identifying the field to be accessed. If sparse? is true, the getter will be called with a third argument, the default value, which the getter must return in case the given object has no value associated with the given field.

The setter will always be called with three arguments: the object that is to be mutated, an object identifying which field of the object is to be mutated, and the new value that is to be assigned to that field.

Warning: This procedure is strictly meant for when defining a new disjoint type which isn't already handled by ref. In practice, this means it should only be used with newly defined opaque record types, or types defined with some implementation-specific method which, unlike define-record-type, doesn't automatically register a getter and setter for the type. If any two type predicates registered with the system both return true for any Scheme object, the behavior is undefined. (A custom getter or setter may, however, dispatch to different actions based on some property of the given object, based on the field argument, or based on anything else.)

It is conceivable that this method will become deprecated after a system has been invented which ties together the definition of a new opaque record type with the definitions of its getter and setter. This is considered outside the scope of this SRFI.

Considerations when using as a library

The intent of this SRFI is to encourage Scheme systems to extend their standard library in accordance with the above specification. On the meanwhile, the sample implementation can be used as a separate library, but certain considerations apply.

The define-record-type export of the library conflicts with the one in (scheme base), so either has to be renamed, or more typically, the one from (scheme base) excluded.

Record types not defined with the define-record-type exported by this library won't work with ref, ref*, or their setters.

This problem does not apply to implementations supporting inspection of records and record types.


A sample implementation as a library is found in the version control repository of this SRFI.

It might be desirable for Scheme systems to offer a more efficient type-of procedure than the one used in this implementation, which in the worst case consumes linear time with regard to the number of types (including every record type) within the system, albeit with a very small constant factor: one call to each type predicate.


Thanks to Jorgen Schäfer for inspiring me to write this SRFI and making the initial suggestion for the ref procedure and ternary set! syntax, as well as providing continuous input.

The ref* procedure with its ~ synonym and SRFI-17 setter (which replaced the initially considered ternary set! syntax) seems to have first appeared in Gauche. Thanks to Shiro Kawai and Issac Trotts:

Thanks to Evan Hanson for the idea of using a throw-away define in the expansion of define-record-type so as not to disturb a sequence of internal definitions.

Thanks to Vincent St-Amour, Eli Barzilay, and others in the Racket IRC channel for raising my awareness against action-at-a-distance bugs that might result from abuse of the imperative register-getter-with-setter!.

Thanks also to everyone else on the discussion mailing list for their input.

Copyright (C) Taylan Ulrich Bayırlı/Kammer (2015). All Rights Reserved.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Editor: Arthur A. Gleckler