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Another code sample - symbolic derivatives

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 110 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 110 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

Here's a version of the "Wizard book" symbolic derivative calculation, using sweet-expressions.
I've placed it below and put it in an attachment.

Unsurprisingly, sweet-expression's ability to accept infix makes infix expressions nicer. E.G.:
deriv '{{x * y} * {x + 3}} 'x

My goal of working out examples like this is to see if there are any serious problems with the sweet-expression notation.  I don't see any problems with the notation in this case.  Granted, this has a bunch of especially short and simple definitions, but I don't see any sign of trouble.


 --- David A. Wheeler

#!/usr/bin/env sweet-run
;#!guile -s

; Code to generate derivatives from the "Wizard Book" -
; Hal Abelson's, Jerry Sussman's and Julie Sussman's
; "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs"
; (MIT Press, 1984; ISBN 0-262-01077-1),
; http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node39.html
; http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/code/index.html
;;; SECTION 2.3.2

define deriv(exp var)
    number?(exp) 0
      if same-variable?(exp var) 1 0
      make-sum deriv(addend(exp) var) deriv(augend(exp) var)
        make-product multiplier(exp) deriv(multiplicand(exp) var)
        make-product deriv(multiplier(exp) var) multiplicand(exp)
    else error("unknown expression type -- DERIV" exp)

;; representing algebraic expressions

define variable?(x) symbol?(x)

define same-variable?(v1 v2)
  {variable?(v1) and variable?(v2) and eq?(v1 v2)}

define sum?(x)
  {pair?(x) and eq?(car(x) '+)}

define addend(s) cadr(s)

define augend(s) caddr(s)

define product?(x)
  {pair?(x) and eq?(car(x) '*)}

define multiplier(p) cadr(p)

define multiplicand(p) caddr(p)

;; Simplification

define make-sum(a1 a2)
    =number?(a1 0) a2
    =number?(a2 0) a1
    {number?(a1) and number?(a2)} {a1 + a2}
    else list('+ a1 a2)

define =number?(exp num)
  {number?(exp) and {exp = num}}

define make-product(m1 m2)
    {=number?(m1 0) or =number?(m2 0)} 0
    =number?(m1 1) m2
    =number?(m2 1) m1
    {number?(m1) and number?(m2)} {m1 * m2}
    else list('* m1 m2)

; Here are routines to display result in infix form:

define infix-operators '(+ *)

define infix-tail(op x)
      display "}"
      display " "
      write op
      display " "
      my-write car(x)
      infix-tail op cdr(x)
      error("Infix operator with improper list")

define my-write(x)
      display "()"
      if {memq(car(x) infix-operators) and pair?(cdr(x))}
        begin ; Display in infix order
          display "{"
          if not(null?(cdr(x)))
            my-write cadr(x)
          infix-tail car(x) cddr(x)
        write x
      write x

; Use demo - this should produce {{x * y} + {y * {x + 3}}}

  deriv '{{x * y} * {x + 3}} 'x

Attachment: derivative.sscm
Description: Binary data