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miscellaneous request (last one)

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 77 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 77 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

and finally (I promise), as it's occasionally convenient
to arithmetically propagate the sign of a value, how about:

(define (-/+ n) (/ n (+ n))) ; 1 * sign of n, where 0 -> 0

assuming (/ 0 0) => 0, and (+ n) :: (abs n), and although defined
using /, may likely be implemented as a primitive more efficiently.

then merged with earlier 2-cent thoughts:

; where div and quo naming may be swapped if preferred:
; n/d :: (+ (div n d) (r/d n d)) ; symmetric about 0
; n/d :: (+ (quo n d) (m/d n d)) ; asymmetric about 0
;  n  :: (+ (mod n d) (* (quo n d) d))

; where if (* 0 NaN) => 0 and (/ 0) => NaN
; then (/ 0 0) must => 0, to be consistent.

(define (/: n d) ; for NaN vs. div/0 error.
  (cond ((= n 0) 0) ((= d 0) +nan.0) (else (/ n d))))

(define (+: n) (abs n)) ; for (+ n) :: (abs n).

(define (-/+ n) (/: n (+: n))) ; 1 * sign of n, where 0 -> 0

; thereby:
; (div 0 x) =>  0  (quo 0 x) =>  0
; (rem 0 x) =>  0  (mod 0 x) =>  0
; (r/d 0 x) =>  0  (m/d 0 x) =>  0

; otherwise:
; (div x 0) => NaN (quo x 0) => NaN
; (rem x 0) =>  0  (mod x 0) =>  x
; (r/d x 0) =>  0  (m/d x 0) => NaN


(define (div n d) ; symmetric about 0
  (truncate (/: n d)))

(define (rem n d) ; same sign as (div n d)
 (* (-/+ d) (- n (* (div n d) d))))

(define (r/d n d) ; remainder fraction
  (/: (rem n d) (+: d)))

; n/d :: (+ (div n d) (r/d n d))


(define (quo n d) ; asymmetric about 0
  (floor (/: n d)))

(define (mod n d) ; same sign as d
  (- n (* (quo n d) d)))

(define (m/d n d) ; modular fraction
  (/: (mod n d) d))

; n/d :: (+ (quo n d) (m/d n d))
;  n  :: (+ (mod n d) (* (quo n d) d))
