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Re: Common Lisp solved this problem 20 years ago

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 77 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 77 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

Alan Watson wrote:
Per, would you summarize the syntax and semantics of type declarations in Kawa, please?

<type-spec> --> <integer> | <string> | ....
  ;; See below for more.

<optional-type-spec> --> <empty>
  | :: <type-spec>
  ;; An optional typespec is indicated by the symbol '::

<variable-maybe-typed> --> <variable> <optional-type-spec>
  ;; A variable declaration may have an optional <type-spec..

<simple-formal> --> <variable
  | (<variable-maybe-typed>)
<optional-formal> --> <simple-formal>
  | (<variable-maybe-typed> <default-value>)
<optional-formals> --> <empty>
  | #!optional <optional-formal>+
<rest-formal> --> <empty>
  | #!rest <simple-formal>
  | . <simple-formal>
<def formals> --> (<simple-formal> ... <optional-formals> <rest-formal>)
  ;; Syntax of formal parameters.  May have <type-specs>.
  ;; #!optional and #!rest are used as introduced by DSSSL.
  ;; Kawa also support #!keyword parameters.

<formals> --> <variable>
  | <def formals>
<lambda expression> --> (lambda <formals> <optional-type-spec> <body>)
  ;; The <optional-type-spec> constrains the result type of <body>.

<definition> --> (define <variable-maybe-typed> <expression>)
  | (define (<variable> <def formals>) <optional-type-spec> <body>)
  | (begin <definition>*)
<do expression> -->
  (do ((<variable-maybe-typed> <init> <step>) ...)
    (<test> <expression> ...)  <command> ...)
<bindings> --> ((<variable-maybe-typed> <init>) ...)
<let expression> --> (let <bindings> <body>)
  | (let <variable> <bindings> <body>)
  ;; define, let, and do extended with optional <type-sepc>s.

(as <type-spec> <value>)
  ;; Coerces the <value> to the given <type-spec>
(instance? <value> <type-spec>)
  ;; True if <value> is an instance of <type-spec>.
;; In Kawa as and instance? are procedures, but for R6RS I'd
;; make them syntax if we're going to include them, to avoid
;; issues of first-class types.
;; Note it's somewhat clumsy that the order of parameters in as
;; and instance? is reversed ...

The syntax for <type-spec> could be extensible, and we could allow
for "type expressions".  However, in Kawa <type-spec> is currently
restricted to an identifier bound to a type or class definition
(some of which are pre-defined), or to a Java type-name surrounded
by angle-brackets.
*Conventionally*, angle brackets are used for type-names, and all
Java builtin type and classes are pre-defined.

See http://www.gnu.org/software/kawa/Standard-Types.html for
standard Scheme types, such as <integer> and <symbol>.

Examples using Java types (*not* proposed for R6RS):
(let (i :: <int> 10) ...) ;; i is unboxed 32-bit signed int.
sbuf :: <java.lang.StringBuffer> ;; Java class name.
arr :: <java.lang.String[]> ;; Java reference array.
iarr :: <float[][]> ;; Java array of float array.

More portable, and based on names in /usr/include/stdint.h
might be:
<int8> <int16> <int32> <int64> ;; Signed integers
<uint8> <uint16> <uint32> <uint64> ;; Unsigned integers
(Note that stdint.h has a lot more types for "at leat N bits"
amd "fast N bits" etc.)
<float32> <float64> ;; floating-point types

The syntax can be extended, following Common Lisp, but I don't
suggest doing this for R6RS, and it's not implemented in Kawa.
Possible examples:
(or <type-spec> ...) ;; union type
(vector [<element-type-spec> [<size>]])
(function [(<type-spec> ... [#optional etc])] [:: <type-spec>])
etc etc
	--Per Bothner
per@xxxxxxxxxxx   http://per.bothner.com/