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Re: Update available-- possibly last before finalization

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 57 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 57 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

Andre van Tonder wrote:
On Fri, 10 Dec 2004, Felix Winkelmann wrote:

From what my experiments show the current SRFI-57 reference implementation
does *not* work on systems that provide a non-generative SRFI-9, or non-
generative native records.

I'm not sure why that should be.  Would you mind saying a bit more on this?

[This has been tested on Chicken only]

Here a simple implementation of SRFI-9, using syntax-case:

(define <record> (list 'vector))

(define-syntax (srfi-9:define-record-type x)
  (define (memi id ids)
    (and (not (null? ids))
	 (or (free-identifier=? id (car ids))
	     (memi id (cdr ids)) ) ) )
  (syntax-case x ()
    [(_ t (conser vars ...) pred slots ...)
     (syntax-case #'(slots ...) ()
       [((slotnames . _) ...)
	(with-syntax ([(slotvars ...) (map (lambda (sname)
					     (if (memi sname #'(vars ...))
						 #'(void) ) )
					   #'(slotnames ...)) ] )
	  (with-syntax ([(accforms ...)
			 (let loop ([slots #'(slots ...)] [i 2])
			   (if (null? slots)
			       (with-syntax ([ii i]
					     [(rest ...) (loop (cdr slots) (+ 1 i))] )
				 (syntax-case (car slots) ()
				   [(name get set)
				    #'((define (get x)
					 (vector-ref x ii) )
				       (define (set x y)
					 (vector-set! x ii y) )
				       rest ...) ]
				   [(name get)
				    #'((define (get x)
					 (vector-ref x ii) )
				       rest ...) ] ) ) ) ) ] )
		(define t 't)
		(define (conser vars ...) (vector <record> 't slotvars ...))
		(define (pred x) (and (vector? x) (eq? <record> (vector-ref x 0))))
		accforms ...) ) ) ] ) ] ) )

(note that the tag of the record vector is "'t")
And here is what I get when I run everything in the interpreter:

#;1> ,l srfi-57
; loading srfi-57.scm ...
#;1> (load-noisily "srfi-57-test.scm" printer: pp)
; loading srfi-57-test.scm ...
  (make-point x y)
  (x point.x point.x-set!)
  (y point.y point.y-set!))
(define p (make-point 1 2))
(point? p)
(point.y p)
(point.y-set! p 7)
(point.y p)
(define-record-scheme <point #f <point? (x <point.x) (y <point.y))
(define-record-scheme <color #f <color? (hue <color.hue))
(define-record-type (point <point) make-point point? (x point.x) (y point.y))
(define-record-type (color <color) make-color)
  (color-point <color <point)
  (make-color-point x y hue)
  (extra color-point.extra))
(define cp (make-color-point 1 2 'blue))
(<point? cp)
(<color? cp)
(color-point? cp)
(<point.y cp)
(<color.hue cp)
(color-point.extra cp)
(define p (point (x 1) (y 2)))
(define cp (color-point (hue 'blue) (x 1) (y 2)))
(show (record-update p point (x 7)))
[debug] Runtime error_________________________________

(exn bounds)

Error: (vector-ref) out of range
#((vector) internal-name 7 2)


0: (vector-ref #((vector) internal-name 7 2) 4)
1: (2894075111735847$$generated-identifier #((vector) internal-name 7 2))
   ((lambda (g3106) ...) g3106)
2: (g3104 #((vector) internal-name 7 2))
   ((lambda (g3105) ...) g3105)
3: (g1691 #((vector) internal-name 7 2))
   ((lambda (g1694) ...) g1694)
4: (##sys#apply #<procedure> (#((vector) internal-name 7 2)))
   ((lambda (g1693) ...) g1693)
5: ((lambda (g1693) (if (eq? g1693 (length (quote (x)))) (##sys#apply (lambda (g1694) (g1691 g1694)) g1692) (if (eq? g1693...

Effectively, all records share the same tag ("internal-name").

Now, is my implementation of srfi-9:define-record-type broken?
Or how should a non-generative version of it be defined?
Or am I just misunderstanding things completely?
