Title Formatting (Converting All Types of Object to A String) Author Joo ChurlSoo Abstract This SRFI introduces the CAT procedure that converts any object to a string. It takes one object as the first argument and accepts a variable number of optional arguments, unlike the procedure called FORMAT. Rationale It is difficult to gain a complete consensus for the design of a generic formatting procedure that performs a variety of necessary functions in addition to essential functions provided in C's PRINTF and Common lisp's FORMAT. One of such ways would be to devise a free (and/or floating) sequence method that easily handles optional arguments, in contrast to the conventional fixed sequence method, in order to obtain a handy optional and functional interface. With the concept of free sequencing, the CAT procedure is then defined, not to process optional arguments with default values, but to process default values with optional arguments. Issues In converting a number to a string, it has not been tried to uniformly express the exactness of a number. The CAT procedure makes it possible for the user to prefix an exact sign to the resulting string as well as not to prefix it to the resulting string as conventionally used when an exact number is made to have a decimal point. An inexact sign is prefixed to the resulting string in addition to an radix sign when an inexact number is converted to a non-decimal. Specification (CAT [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ...) * : effective only for the number type of . : effective for all types except the number type of . : effective for all types of . * is any Scheme object. * is a symbol: exact or inexact. * is a symbol: binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal. Each radix sign except decimal is prefixed to the resulting string. The default value is decimal. * If is a symbol that takes the form of 'sign, and is a positive number without a positive sign, the positive sign is prefixed to the resulting string. * is an inexact integer whose absolute value specifies the number of decimal digits after a decimal point. If is a non-negative integer, an exact sign (#e) is prefixed to the resulting string as needed. * is a list whose first element is a character serving as a separator and second element is a positive exact integer. If the integer is n, the resulting string is separated in every n-characters of the resulting string. When the integer is omitted, the default value is 3. * is a procedure of two arguments; and a string port. It writes to the string port. The default value of is varied according to the type of . When is a self-evaluating constant, it becomes equivalent to DISPLAY procedure, otherwise, it becomes WRITE procedure. If you want any objects to be displayed in your own way, you have to define your own . Otherwise, they are displayed simply in their evaluated forms. * is a list which is composed of one or more procedures. Each procedure takes at least one string argument and returns a string. One procedure connects with another as a pipe. * is a list whose elements are two exact integers; n and m, and the absolute values of n and m are N and M, respectively. First, the resulting string takes from the left n-characters, if it is non-negative, or all the characters but N-characters, if negative. Second, it takes from the right m-characters, if it is non-negative, or all the characters but M-characters, if negative. Then, it concatenates two set of characters taken. The second element can be omitted. If omitted, the default value is 0. * is a pair whose car value is a predicate procedure that checks whether satisfies it, and cdr value is a procedure that takes the as an argument and returns a string. When satisfies the predicate procedure, all optional arguments are ineffective except , , , and . * is an exact integer whose absolute value specifies the width of the resulting string. When the resulting string has fewer characters than the absolute value of , it is placed rightmost with the rest being padded with s, if is positive, or it is placed leftmost with the rest being padded with s, if is negative. On the other hand, when the resulting string has more characters than the absolute value of , the is ignored. The default value is 0. * is a padding character. The default value is #\space. * is an output port or a boolean. If an output port is specified, the resulting string and s are output into that port and simultaneously returned as a string. If is #t, the output port is current output port. If is #f, the output is only returned as a string. The default value is #f. * is a string that is appended to the resulting string. The order of all optional arguments does not matter. The CAT procedure processes optional arguments in the following order; , , , , for the number type of , or in the following order; , , for all other types. Examples (cat 129.995 -10 2.) "130.00 " (cat 129.995 10 2.) " 130.00" (cat 129.995 2. 'exact) "#e130.00" (cat 129 -2.) "129.00" (cat 129 2.) "#e129.00" (cat -99.985 2.) "-99.98" (cat -99.985001 2.) "-99.99" (cat -99.995 2.) "-100.00" (cat 129 10 2. #\0 'sign) "#e+0129.00" (cat 129 10 2. #\* 'sign) "*#e+129.00" (cat 1/3) "1/3" (cat 1/3 10 2.) " #e0.33" (cat 1/3 10 -2.) " 0.33" (cat 129.995 10 '(#\, 2)) " 1,29.99,5" (cat 129995 10 '(#\,) 'sign) " +129,995" (cat (cat 129.995 0.) '(0 -1)) "130" (cat 99.5 10 'sign 'octal) "#i#o+307/2" (cat 99.5 10 'sign 'octal 'exact) " #o+307/2" (cat #x123 'octal 'sign) "#o+443" (cat #x123 -10 2. 'sign #\*) "#e+291.00*" (cat -1.2345e+12+1.2355e-10i 3.) "-1.234e12+1.236e-10i" (cat 1.2345e+12 10 3. 'sign) " +1.234e12" (cat "string" -10) "string " (cat "string" 10 (list string-upcase)) " STRING" (cat "string" 10 (list string-upcase) '(-2)) " RING" (cat "string" 10 `(,string-titlecase) '(2 3)) " Sting" (cat "string" `(,string-reverse ,string-upcase))"GNIRTS" (cat #\a 10) " a" (cat 'symbol 10) " symbol" (cat '#(#\a "str" s)) "#(#\\a \"str\" s)" (cat '(#\a "str" s)) "(#\\a \"str\" s)" (cat '(#\a "str" s) #t) (#\a "str" s)"(#\\a \"str\" s)" (cat '(#\a "str" s) (current-output-port)) (#\a "str" s)"(#\\a \"str\" s)" (cat 3 (cat 's) " " (cat "str" write)) "3s \"str\"" (cat 3 #t (cat 's) " " (cat "str" write)) 3s "str""3s \"str\"" (cat 3 #t (cat 's #t) " " (cat "str" write)) s3s "str""3s \"str\"" (define-record-type :example (make-example num str) example? (num get-num set-num!) (str get-str set-str!)) (define ex (make-example 123 "string")) (define (record->string object) (cat (get-num object) "-" (get-str object))) (define (record-writer object string-port) (if (example? object) (begin (display (get-num object) string-port) (display "-" string-port) (display (get-str object) string-port)) ((or (and (or (string? object) (char? object) (boolean? object)) display) write) object string-port))) ex '#{:example} (cat ex) "#{:example}" (cat ex 20 record-writer) " 123-string" (cat ex 20 record-writer `(,(cut string-delete char-set:digit <>) ,string-upcase ,string-reverse) '(0 -1) #\-) "--------------GNIRTS" (cat "string" 20 record-writer (list string-upcase) '(2 3) #\-) "---------------STING" (cat 12 20 record-writer 3.) " #e12.000" (cat ex 20 (cons example? record->string)) " 123-string" (cat ex 20 (cons example? record->string) `(,(cut string-delete char-set:digit <>) ,string-upcase ,string-reverse) '(0 -1) #\-) "----------123-string" (cat "string" 20 (cons example? record->string) (list string-upcase) '(2 3) #\-) "---------------STING" (cat 12 20 (cons example? record->string) -3.) " 12.000" Implementation The implementation below requires SRFI-1 (List library), SRFI-6 (Basic string ports), SRFI-8 (Receive), SRFI-13 (String library), and SRFI-23 (Error reporting mechanism). ;; The OPT-VALUES is a part of the REST-VALUES in SRFI-51 (Handling rest list). (define (opt-values rest-list . default-list) (let loop ((rest-list rest-list) (default-list default-list) (result '())) (if (null? default-list) (if (null? rest-list) (apply values (reverse result)) (error "cat: bad argument" rest-list)) (if (null? rest-list) (apply values (append-reverse result (map car default-list))) (let ((default (car default-list))) (let lp ((rest rest-list) (head '())) (if (null? rest) (loop (reverse head) (cdr default-list) (cons (car default) result)) (if (list? default) (if (member (car rest) default) (loop (append-reverse head (cdr rest)) (cdr default-list) (cons (car rest) result)) (lp (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) head))) (if ((cdr default) (car rest)) (loop (append-reverse head (cdr rest)) (cdr default-list) (cons (car rest) result)) (lp (cdr rest) (cons (car rest) head))))))))))) (define (cat object . rest) (receive (str-list rest-list) (partition string? rest) (if (null? rest-list) (apply string-append (cond ((number? object) (number->string object)) ((string? object) object) ((char? object) (string object)) ((boolean? object) (if object "#t" "#f")) (else (get-output-string (let ((str-port (open-output-string))) (write object str-port) str-port)))) str-list) (receive (width port char converter precision sign radix exactness separator writer pipe take) (opt-values rest-list (cons 0 (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x)))) (cons #f (lambda (x) (or (boolean? x) (output-port? x)))) (cons #\space char?) (cons #f (lambda (x) (and (pair? x) (procedure? (car x)) (procedure? (cdr x))))) (cons #f (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (inexact? x)))) (cons #f (lambda (x) (eq? x 'sign))) '(decimal octal binary hexadecimal) (cons #f (lambda (x) (memq x '(exact inexact)))) (cons #f (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (< 0 (length x) 3) (char? (car x)) (or (null? (cdr x)) (let ((n (cadr x))) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (< 0 n))))))) (cons #f procedure?) (cons #f (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (not (null? x)) (every procedure? x)))) (cons #f (lambda (x) (and (list? x) (< 0 (length x) 3) (every (lambda (x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x))) x))))) (let ((port (if (eq? port #t) (current-output-port) port)) (str (apply string-append (cond ((and converter ((car converter) object)) (let* ((str ((cdr converter) object)) (pad (- (abs width) (string-length str)))) (cond ((<= pad 0) str) ((< 0 width) (string-append (make-string pad char) str)) (else (string-append str (make-string pad char)))))) ((number? object) (and (not (eq? radix 'decimal)) precision (error "cat: non-decimal cannot have a decimal point" radix)) (and precision (< precision 0) (eq? exactness 'exact) (error "cat: exact number cannot have a decimal point without exact sign" precision)) (let ((exact-sign (and precision (<= 0 precision) (or (eq? exactness 'exact) (and (exact? object) (not (eq? exactness 'inexact)))) "#e")) (inexact-sign (and (not (eq? radix 'decimal)) (or (and (inexact? object) (not (eq? exactness 'exact))) (eq? exactness 'inexact)) "#i")) (radix-sign (cdr (assq radix '((decimal . #f) (octal . "#o") (binary . "#b") (hexadecimal . "#x"))))) (plus-sign (and sign (< 0 (real-part object)) "+"))) (let* ((exactness-sign (or exact-sign inexact-sign)) (str (number->string (cond (precision (if (exact? object) (exact->inexact object) object)) (inexact-sign (if (inexact? object) (inexact->exact object) object)) (exactness (if (eq? exactness 'exact) (if (inexact? object) (inexact->exact object) object) (if (exact? object) (exact->inexact object) object))) (else object)) (cdr (assq radix '((decimal . 10) (octal . 8) (binary . 2) (hexadecimal . 16)))))) (str (if precision (let ((precision (inexact->exact (abs precision))) (s-index (let ((i (or (string-index str #\+ 1) (string-index str #\- 1)))) (and i (if (char=? (string-ref str (- i 1)) #\e) (or (string-index str #\+ (+ i 1)) (string-index str #\- (+ i 1))) i))))) (define (real-mold str pre) (let ((e-index (string-index str #\e))) (if e-index (string-append (mold (substring str 0 e-index) pre) (substring str e-index (string-length str))) (mold str pre)))) (define (mold str pre) (let ((ind (string-index str #\.))) (if ind (let ((d-len (- (string-length str) (+ ind 1)))) (cond ((= d-len pre) str) ((< d-len pre) (string-append str (make-string (- pre d-len) #\0))) ((or (charchar (+ 1 (char->integer chr))) (lp (- index 1) #f))) (cons chr (lp (- index 1) raise)))))))))) (if sign (cons #\- char-list) char-list)))) (else (substring str 0 (+ 1 ind pre))))) (string-append str "." (make-string pre #\0))))) (if s-index (string-append (real-mold (substring str 0 s-index) precision) (string (string-ref str s-index)) (real-mold (substring str (+ 1 s-index) (- (string-length str) 1)) precision) "i") (real-mold str precision))) str)) (str (if (and separator (not (or (string-index str #\e) (string-index str #\i) (string-index str #\/)))) (let ((sep (car separator)) (num (if (null? (cdr separator)) 3 (cadr separator))) (dot-index (string-index str #\.))) (define (separate str sep num opt) (let* ((len (string-length str)) (pos (if opt (let ((pos (remainder (if (eq? opt 'sign) (- len 1) len) num))) (if (= 0 pos) num pos)) num))) (apply string (let loop ((ini 0) (pos (if (eq? opt 'sign) (+ pos 1) pos))) (cond ((= ini len) '()) ((= ini pos) (cons sep (loop ini (+ num pos)))) (else (cons (string-ref str ini) (loop (+ 1 ini) pos)))))))) (if dot-index (string-append (separate (substring str 0 dot-index) sep num (if (< object 0) 'sign #t)) "." (separate (substring str (+ 1 dot-index) (string-length str)) sep num #f)) (separate str sep num (if (< object 0) 'sign #t)))) str)) (pad (- (abs width) (+ (string-length str) (if exactness-sign 2 0) (if radix-sign 2 0) (if plus-sign 1 0)))) (pad (if (< 0 pad) pad 0))) (if (< 0 width) (if (char-numeric? char) (if (< (real-part object) 0) (string-append (or exactness-sign "") (or radix-sign "") "-" (make-string pad char) (substring str 1 (string-length str))) (string-append (or exactness-sign "") (or radix-sign "") (or plus-sign "") (make-string pad char) str)) (string-append (make-string pad char) (or exactness-sign "") (or radix-sign "") (or plus-sign "") str)) (string-append (or exactness-sign "") (or radix-sign "") (or plus-sign "") str (make-string pad char)))))) (else (let* ((str (cond (writer (get-output-string (let ((str-port (open-output-string))) (writer object str-port) str-port))) ((string? object) object) ((char? object) (string object)) ((boolean? object) (if object "#t" "#f")) (else (get-output-string (let ((str-port (open-output-string))) (write object str-port) str-port))))) (str (if pipe (let loop ((str ((car pipe) str)) (fns (cdr pipe))) (if (null? fns) str (loop ((car fns) str) (cdr fns)))) str)) (str (if take (let ((left (car take)) (right (if (null? (cdr take)) 0 (cadr take))) (len (string-length str))) (string-append (if (< left 0) (string-drop str (if (< (abs left) len) (abs left) len)) (string-take str (if (< left len) left len))) (if (< right 0) (string-drop-right str (if (< (abs right) len) (abs right) len)) (string-take-right str (if (< right len) right len))))) str)) (pad (- (abs width) (string-length str)))) (cond ((<= pad 0) str) ((< 0 width) (string-append (make-string pad char) str)) (else (string-append str (make-string pad char))))))) str-list))) (and port (display str port)) str))))) Copyright Copyright (C) Joo ChurlSoo (2004). All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Scheme Request For Implementation process or editors, except as needed for the purpose of developing SRFIs in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the SRFI process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the authors or their successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE AUTHOR AND THE SRFI EDITORS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.