SRFI 160: Homogeneous numeric vector libraries

by John Cowan and Shiro Kawai (contributed a major patch)

Based on SRFI 4 by Marc Feeley.

status: final (2019-08-27)

keywords: Data Structure, R7RS Large, R7RS Large: Tangerine Edition

See also SRFI 4: Homogeneous numeric vector datatypes, SRFI 74: Octet-Addressed Binary Blocks, SRFI 133: Vector Library (R7RS-compatible), and SRFI 152: String Library (reduced).


This SRFI describes a set of operations on SRFI 4 homogeneous vector types (plus a few additional types) that are closely analogous to the vector operations library, SRFI 133. An external representation is specified which may be supported by the read and write procedures and by the program parser so that programs can contain references to literal homogeneous vectors.