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Re: SRFI text is incomplete

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 7 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 7 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

Lars is correct, the end of the second implementation is missing.
Here is a complete copy.
                                 -Richard Kelsey

(define-syntax program
  (syntax-rules (requires files code feature-cond)
    ((program (requires feature-id ...)
              more ...)
     (begin (cond-expand ((and feature-id ...) 'okay))
            (program more ...)))
    ((program (files filename ...)
              more ...)
     (begin (load filename) ...
            (program more ...)))
    ((program (code stuff ...)
              more ...)
     (begin stuff ...
            (program more ...)))
    ((program (feature-cond (requirement stuff ...) ...)
              more ...)
     (begin (cond-expand (requirement (program stuff ...)) ...)
            (program more ...)))))