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Re: Parsing Scheme [was Re: strings draft]

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 50 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 50 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

On Saturday 24 January 2004 12:35 am, Tom Lord wrote:
>     > From: Ken Dickey <Ken.Dickey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>     >
>     > I am happy to write programs in which identifiers are limited to
>     > those characters supported today in R5RS.
> It is, as near as I can tell, not entirely clear what those characters are.

They are restrictive and well specified.

From R^5RS [7.1.1 Lexical structure]:

<identifier> ---> <initial> <subsequent>* | <peculiar identifier>

<initial> ---> <letter> | <special initial>

<letter> ---> a | b | c | ... | z

<special initial> ---> ! | $ | % | & | * | / | :
                     | < | = | > | ? | ^ | _ | ~

<subsequent> ---> <initial> | <digit> | <special subsequent>

<digit> ---> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

<special subsequent> ---> + | - | . | @

<peculiar identifier> ---> + | - | ...

> However, I think that revisions to the standard are still needed to:
> clarify the requirements for the portable character set; clarify
> whether there are required casemappings and, if so, what they are;
> slightly weaken the required case-oriented procedures in such a way as
> to permit sane Unicode-supporting Schemes in which Unicode characters
> and strings are _not_ disjoint from CHAR? and STRING?

Given the hair with Unicode (e.g. you have to know a locale to know how to 
sort strings), I still prefer uni-char and uni-string (or perhaps 
uni-char-vector] types.   I would like to be able to view uni-char and 
uni-string literals in ascii (i.e. it should be part of the specification 
that an portable (ASCII) display representation be used where extended 
character sets are not natively supported).  

In particular there are language scripting systems such as Devanagari, used by 
about a billion people, which require complex ligature layout algorithms just 
to be displayed properly.  I would recommend that specification deal only 
with individual and arrayed characters and not with the scripting systems 
which map characters to their visual display.

> In addition, while we've got the engine pulled, I think we can/ought
> to throw some strong _recomendations_ into R6RS to discourage or at
> least flag as exceptional some of the really ridiculous readings of
> the standard that would remain legal.

Given that R5RS as written has constraints that do not allow much of the 
complexity that is being discussed with Unicode, an alternate reading is that 
implementations which break such constraints are non-conforming.

By all means, clean up any silliness. [I have not seen such, but I do not have 
time to read the volume of email generated by this list, so I had best just 
shut up now].


PS: I would expect that the included code which implements R5RS READ (less 
number recognition, but I can send that file as well) still should behave as 
expected under whatever new standard emerges.
;; FILE: "read.scm"
;; IMPLEMENTS: A simple R^5RS Scheme reader written in core scheme.
;; AUTHOR: Ken Dickey
;; DATE: 11 December 2001

;; COPYRIGHT (c) Kenneth A Dickey 2001, 2002
;; You may use this file for any purpose
;; but without warrenty or liability of any kind
;; provided this notice remains intact.

;;  Readers are hairy. This code is meant to be comprehensible.
;;  How simple can I make it? 

;;  Warning.  This is expository code (read slow).  Grep for
;;  "speed hack" below.

;; Characters reserved for future language use are: [ ] { } |

;; Case is insignificant in symbols.

;; NB: Assumes ASCII !!  (Dumb, but cheap)

;; Constant strings are quoted.  [Some compilers are 
;; smart and make them immutable.  This conses enough 
;; already!].

;; Tested with Scheme48, Gambit, MIT Scheme, ProtoScheme.

;;  #'aSymbol -> (string->symbol "aSymbol")

;; @@@ Scheme48's char->integer is non-standard @@@;;
;; ,open ascii
;(define char->integer char->ascii)

;; READ -- A simple Scheme reader.

(define (Xread . input-port)
;; Character Classes

;; Something to initialize tables with.

(define whitespace '( #\space #\newline ))

(define delimiters (append (list #\( #\) #\" #\; ) whitespace))

(define special-initial-chars '"!!$%&/:*<=>?^_~" ) ;; #\! is doubled because of Smallscript text encoding
(define special-initials (string->list special-initial-chars))

(define special-subsequent-chars '"+-.@" )

(define pecular-identifier '( + - ... ))

(define pecular-initials '( #\+ #\- #\. ))

(define syntactic-keywords '( else => define unquote unquote-splicing ))

(define expression-keywords
  '( quote lambda if set! begin cond and or case 
	   let let* letrec do delay quasiquote ))

;; NB: Implementation Dependent
(define character-names-alist `(  (space    . ,(integer->char 32))
				  (tab      . ,(integer->char  9))
				  (return   . ,(integer->char 13))
				  (newline  . ,(integer->char 10))
				  (formfeed . ,(integer->char 12))

(define token-classes 
  '( identifier boolean number character string 
     lparen rparen sharp-lparen quote backquote 
;;     (       )        #(        '      `
     comma comma-splice period ))
;;     ,        ,@         .

(define abbreviation-starts '( #\, #\' #\` ))

(define radix-chars     '"bodx" )
(define exactness-chars '"ie")

(define letter-chars 

(define digit-chars '"0123456789")

(define num-2-chars '"01")
(define num-8-chars '"01234567")
(define num-10-chars digit-chars)
(define num-16-chars '"01234567689abcdefABCDEF")

(define exponent-marker-chars '"esfdl")

(define sign-chars '"+-")

(define legal-number-chars-list
  (append (string->list sign-chars)
	  (string->list num-16-chars)
	  (string->list exponent-marker-chars)
	  (string->list radix-chars)
	  (string->list exactness-chars)
	  (list #\. #\# #\@ #\/ )
) )

(define subsequents 
  (append (string->list letter-chars)
	  (string->list digit-chars)
	  (string->list special-initial-chars)
	  (string->list special-subsequent-chars)
) ) 

(define rparen-marker ")") ;; Something to be eq? to.
(define period-marker ".") ;;  ditto

;; Intern Case

(define string->caseified-symbol
  (let ( (squash-case 
	  (if (eq? #\a (string-ref (symbol->string 'A) 0))
    (lambda (str)
      (string->symbol (list->string (map squash-case (string->list str)))))
) )

;; not r5rs
(define (set-last-pair list thing)
   ((null? list) thing)
   ((not (pair? list))
    (error "set-last-pair: expected a list" list)
   (else ;; at least 1 pair in list
    (let loop ( (result '()) (last-pair '()) (old list) )
      (if (or (null? old) (not (pair? old)))
	    (set-cdr! last-pair thing)
	  (let ( (new (cons (car old) '())) )
	    (if (null? last-pair)
		(loop new new (cdr old))
		  (set-cdr! last-pair new)
		  (loop result new (cdr old))))
	 ) )
) )

(define (read1 port)
  (let loop ( (next (peek-char port)) )
     ((eof-object?      next)     
     ((char-whitespace? next) 
      (read-char port)
      (loop (peek-char port))
     ((comment-char?    next)
      (consume-comment port)
      (loop (peek-char port))
     ((sharp-char?      next) (read-sharp-thingie port))
     ((char-numeric?    next) (read-number        port))
     ((char-alphabetic? next) (read-identifier    port))
     ((string-char?     next) (read-string        port))
     ((abbrev-char?     next) (read-abbreviation  port))
     ((lparen-char?     next) (read-list          port))
     ((special-initial? next) (read-identifier    port))
     ((pecular-initial? next) (read-pecular       port))
     ((rparen-char?     next)
      (consume-char port)
      rparen-marker ;; end of list
     (else (error "read: unacceptable character with code:"
		  (char->integer next)))
) ) )

(define (comment-char? c) (eq? c #\; ))
(define (sharp-char?   c) (eq? c #\# ))
(define (string-char?  c) (eq? c #\" ))
(define (lparen-char?  c) (eq? c #\( ))
(define (rparen-char?  c) (eq? c #\) ))

;; NOTE: The typical speed hack is to make a vector
;; of the ASCII characters and use bit fields to
;; determine which character-class a character 
;; belongs to.  I.e. 
;; (define (get-char-class-encoding char)
;;     (vector-ref char-class-vec (char->integer char)))
;; Then:
;; (define (special-initial? c)
;;    (not (zero? (bit-and (get-char-class-encoding c)
;;                          special-initial-bit))))

(define (special-initial? c)
  (memv c special-initials)) ;; FIXME: bum for speed

(define (pecular-initial? c)
  (memv c pecular-initials)) ;; FIXME: bum for speed

(define (identifier-subsequent-char? c)
  (memv c subsequents)) ;; FIXME: bum for speed

(define (abbrev-char? c)
  (memv c abbreviation-starts)) ;; FIXME: bum for speed

(define (legal-number-char? c)  ;; FIXME: bum for speed
  (memv c legal-number-chars-list))
;; To note that the value is ignored.
(define (consume-char port) 
  (if (eof-object? (read-char port))
      (error "Unexpected End Of File"))
) ;; unspecific

(define (consume-comment port) 
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\;
  (consume-char port)
  (let loop ( (next (peek-char port)) )
    (if (not (or (eof-object? next) 
		 (char=? #\newline next)))
	  (consume-char port)
	  (loop (peek-char port)))
	'done) ;; don't consume newline
) )

;; #t #f #( #\c #\<charname> #e #i #o #b #d #x
;; #'aSymbol
(define (read-sharp-thingie port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\#
  (consume-char port)
  (let ( (next (peek-char port)) )
    (case next
      (( #\t #\f #\T #\F ) (make-boolean port))
      (( #\e #\i #\o #\b #\d #\x #\E #\I #\O #\B #\D #\X )
       (read-number-loop '(#\#) port))
      (( #\\ ) (read-character port))
      (( #\( ) (read-vector    port))
      (( #\' ) (read-sharp-sym port))
      (else (error "Unknown sharp syntax" next)))
) )

(define (make-boolean port)
  ;; ASSERT peek-char is #\t or #\f
  (case (read-char port)
    ((#\t #\T) #t)
    ((#\f #\F) #f)
    (else (error "reading boolean: expected #t or #f here"))
) )

(define (read-sharp-sym port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\', #\# already read
  (consume-char port) ; eat #\'
 `(string->symbol ,(read-identifier-string port))

; (define (read-symbol-retaining-case port)
;   ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\', #\# already read
;   (consume-char port) ; eat #\'
;   (let ( (lead-char (peek-char port)) )
;     (if (or (char-alphabetic? lead-char)
; 	    (special-initial? lead-char))
; 	(string->symbol (read-identifier-string port))
; 	(error "expected a symbol" lead-char)
; ) ) )

(define (read-character port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\\, #\# already read
  (consume-char port) ; eat #\\
  (let* ( (next (peek-char port)) )
     ((eof-object? next)
      (error "EOF parsing character while reading file")
     ((char-alphabetic? next)
      (let ( (char-name-string (read-identifier-string port)) )
	(cond ((= 1 (string-length char-name-string))
	       (string-ref char-name-string 0)
	      ((assq (string->caseified-symbol char-name-string) 
	       => (lambda (bucket) (cdr bucket))
	      (else (error "read: invalid character name" char-name-string))
     (else (read-char port)) ;; just return it
) ) )

;; NB: NOT read-identifier; returns a string, not a symbol
(define (read-identifier-string port)
  ;; ASSERT: 1st char is legal identifier char
  (let loop ( (chars (list (read-char port))) )
    (let ( (next (peek-char port)) )
       ((eof-object? next)
	(list->string (reverse chars))
       ((identifier-subsequent-char? next)
	(loop (cons (read-char port) chars))
       (else (list->string (reverse chars)))
) ) )

(define (read-number port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is number start syntax
  (read-number-loop (list (read-char port)) port))

;; used multiple places
(define (read-number-loop chars port)
  (let ( (next (peek-char port)) )
     ((eof-object? next)
      (string->number (list->string (reverse chars)))
     ((legal-number-char? next) ;; FIXME: number syntax recognizer
      (read-number-loop (cons (read-char port) chars) port)
      (string->number (list->string (reverse chars))))
) )

(define (read-identifier port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is start of identifier
  (string->caseified-symbol (read-identifier-string port)))

(define (read-abbreviation port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is 1st char of #\` #\' #\, or ",@"
  (case (read-char port)
    ((#\`) (list 'quasiquote (read1 port))
    ((#\') (list 'quote	     (read1 port))
     (if (eq? #\@ (peek-char port))
	   (consume-char port)
	   (list 'unquote-splicing (read1 port)))
	 (list 'unquote (read1 port))
    (else (error "Assert failed in reading abbreviation"))
) )

(define (read-string port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\"
  (consume-char port)
  (let loop ( (chars '()) )
    (let ( (next (peek-char port)) )
       ((eof-object? next)
	(error "read: End Of File reading string"))
       ((eq? next #\")
	(consume-char port)
	(list->string (reverse chars))
       ((eq? next #\\)
	(consume-char port)
	(let ( (following (peek-char port)) )
	   ((eof-object? following)
	    (error "EOF in read-string")
	   ((memv following '( #\" #\\ ))
	    (loop (cons (read-char port) chars))
	   (else (error "Illegal char following #\\" following))
       )) )
       (else (loop (cons (read-char port) chars)))
) ) ) )

;; Pecular identifiers are '+ '- '...
(define (read-pecular port) 
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is one of #\+ #\- #\.
  (let* ( (char (read-char port)) (next (peek-char port)) )
     ((and (legal-number-char? next) (not (char=? #\. next)))
      (read-number-loop (list char) port)
     ((memv char '( #\+ #\- ))
      (if (eq? char #\+) '+ '-)
     ((eq? #\. char)
      (if (eq? #\. next)
	    (consume-char port)
	    (if (eq? #\. (peek-char port))
		  (consume-char port)
		(error "Illegal period literal"))
     (else (error "Assert failed in reading pecular identifier" char))
) ) )

(define (period-marker? thing)
  (eq? period-marker thing))

(define (rparen-marker? thing)
  (eq? rparen-marker thing))

(define (read-list port) ;; returns a list of tokens
  ;; ASSERT peek-char is #\(
  (consume-char port)
  (let loop ( (result '()) )
    (let ( (thing (read1 port)) )
       ((eof-object? thing)
	(error "unexpected end of file reading list"))
       ((rparen-marker? thing) 
	(reverse result)
       ((period-marker? thing) ;; dotted tail
	(let ( (next (read1 port)) )
	  (if (memv next `(,period-marker ,rparen-marker))
	      (error "read: ill-formed list")
	      (let ( (final (read1 port)) )
		(if (rparen-marker? final)
		    (set-last-pair (reverse result) next)
		    (error "read: ill-formed dotted list tail")
       (else (loop (cons thing result)))
) ) ) )

(define (read-vector port)
  ;; ASSERT: peek-char is #\( , #\# preceeded it
  (let ( (list (read-list port)) )
    (if (list? list)
	(list->vector list)
	(error "read: ill-formed vector"))
) )

;;(define (Xread . input-port) ;;@@@
 (read1 (if (null? input-port) 
 	     (car input-port)))
) ; end (read)


; (define (debug-read file-name-string)
;   (call-with-input-file file-name-string
;     (lambda (in)
;       (newline)
;       (display "** reading =====> ")
;       (display file-name-string)
;       (display " **")
;       (newline)
;       (let loop ( (form (read1 in)) )
; 	(if (eof-object? form)
; 	    (begin
; 	      (newline)
; 	      (display "** completed reading file ===== **")
; 	      (display form)
; 	      (newline))
; 	    (begin
; 	      (newline)
; 	      (write form) ;; pretty-print is prettier.
; 	      (loop (read1 in))))))))

              ;;   --- E O F ---   ;;