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Re: Making the new let easier to stomach

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 5 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 5 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

>>>>> "Andy" == Andy Gaynor <silver@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

Andy> Heh heh, R5RS template-style macros?  See bottom.  I wouldn't be surprised if
Andy> a template wizard were able to optimize it a bit, so I'd appreciate it if
Andy> someone gave it a sound thrashing.  Not heavily tested, but it appears to work.

This looks good.  I'd personally replace some of the dotted pairs by
ellipsis constructions, as attached.  It would be good if one version
or the other were part of the SRFI.  Let me know if you agree, and
I'll stick it into the draft.

(define-syntax let
  (syntax-rules ()

    ;; In the (let 0 name normals rest arguments body bindings) form:
    ;;     name:      The name to assign to the lambda, or #f if none.
    ;;     normals:   The normal parameters of the lambda.
    ;;     rest:      The rest parameter for the lambda, or () if none.
    ;;                Using () saves a rule for (normal ... rest ...).
    ;;     arguments: The arguments to the lambda.
    ;;     body:      The body of the lambda.
    ;;     bindings:  Bindings remaining to be processed.

    ;; Terminating cases
    ;; No name, use an anonymous lambda call
    ((let 0 #f (normal ...) (rest ...) (argument ...) (body ...) ())
     ((lambda (normal ... rest ...) body ...) argument ...))
    ;; Name, use a letrec and call
    ((let 0 name (normal ...) (rest ...) (argument ...) (body ...) ())
     (letrec ((name (lambda (normal ... rest ...) body ...))) (name argument ...)))

    ;; Deconstructing bindings
    ;; Shuffle a normal binding
    ((let 0 name (normal ...) () (argument ...) body ((variable value) binding ...))
     (let 0 name (normal ... variable) () (argument ... value) body (binding ...)))
    ;; Shuffle a rest binding (its values are shuffled below)
    ((let 0 name normals () arguments body (rest-variable rest-value ...))
     (let 0 name normals rest-variable arguments body (rest-value ...)))
    ;; Shuffle a rest value
    ((let 0 name normals rest (argument ...) body (rest-value1 rest-value2 ...))
     (let 0 name normals rest (argument ... rest-value1) body (rest-value2 ...)))

    ;; Top-level interface
    ;; Straight let, no bindings
    ((let () body ...)
     (let 0 #f () () () (body ...) ()))
    ;; Straight let, bindings
    ((let ((variable value) bindings ...) body ...)
     (let 0 #f (variable) () (value) (body ...) (bindings ...)))
    ;; Signature-style named let
    ((let (name bindings ...) body ...)
     (let 0 name () () () (body ...) (bindings ...)))
    ;; Non-signature-style named let
    ((let name bindings body ...)
     (let 0 name () () () (body ...) bindings))))
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla