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Code sample pair: SRFI-13

This page is part of the web mail archives of SRFI 110 from before July 7th, 2015. The new archives for SRFI 110 contain all messages, not just those from before July 7th, 2015.

Here is a code sample pair from SRFI-13.  This is MUCH larger than previous code samples.
SRFI-13 is one of the more popular SRFIs according to:

As with the others, I translated the s-expressions
using "sweeten" and then tweaked the results.  I've also added to the "readable" git repository
("develop" branch) a new tool, "diff-s-sweet", that can compare an s-expression and sweet-expression
to report semantic differences.  I used that new tool to get more confidence that my tweaks were correct.

I list the sweet-expressions first.... then the s-expressions.  If you want the files, please go to the
sourceforge readable.sourceforge.net "git" repository, "develop" branch.

 --- David A. Wheeler

; sweet-expressions

; Sample SRFI-13 implementation, from:
; http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-13/srfi-13.scm

;;; SRFI 13 string library reference implementation		-*- Scheme -*-
;;; Olin Shivers 7/2000
;;; Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
;;; Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Olin Shivers. All rights reserved.
;;;   The details of the copyrights appear at the end of the file. Short
;;;   summary: BSD-style open source.

; Since we only care about the *format*, nearly all ;-comments have been
; removed from this version, to shorten it (see the original file for them).

define-syntax let-string-start+end
! syntax-rules ()
!   let-string-start+end(start(end) proc s-exp args-exp body ...)
!     receive
!       start end
!       string-parse-final-start+end proc s-exp args-exp
!       body
!       ...
!   let-string-start+end(start(end rest) proc s-exp args-exp body ...)
!     receive
!       rest start end
!       string-parse-start+end proc s-exp args-exp
!       body
!       ...

define-syntax let-string-start+end2
! syntax-rules ()
!   l-s-s+e2(start1(end1 start2 end2) proc s1 s2 args body ...)
!     let <* procv proc *>
!       let-string-start+end
!         start1 end1 rest
!         procv
!         s1
!         args
!         let-string-start+end start2(end2) procv s2 rest body ...

define string-parse-start+end(proc s args)
! if not(string?(s)) error("Non-string value" proc s)
! let <* slen $ string-length s *>
!   if pair?(args)
!     let <* start $ car args \\ args $ cdr args *>
!       if {integer?(start) and exact?(start) and {start >= 0}}
!       ! receive
!       !   end args
!       !   if pair?(args)
!       !   ! let <* end $ car args \\ args $ cdr args *>
!       !   !   if {integer?(end) and exact?(end) and {end <= slen}}
!       !   !     values end args
!       !   !     error "Illegal substring END spec" proc end s
!       !   ! values slen args
!       !   if {start <= end}
!       !   ! values args start end
!       !   ! error "Illegal substring START/END spec" proc start end s
!       ! error "Illegal substring START spec" proc start s
!     values '() 0 slen

define string-parse-final-start+end(proc s args)
! receive
!   rest start end
!   string-parse-start+end proc s args
!   if pair?(rest)
!     error "Extra arguments to procedure" proc rest
!     values start end

define substring-spec-ok?(s start end)
! and
!   string? s
!   integer? start
!   exact? start
!   integer? end
!   exact? end
!   {0 <= start}
!   {start <= end}
!   {end <= string-length(s)}

define check-substring-spec(proc s start end)
! if not(substring-spec-ok?(s start end))
!   error "Illegal substring spec." proc s start end

define substring/shared(s start . maybe-end)
! check-arg string? s substring/shared
! let <* slen $ string-length s *>
!   check-arg
!     lambda start()
!       {integer?(start) and exact?(start) and {0 <= start}}
!     start
!     substring/shared
!   %substring/shared
!     s
!     start
!     :optional
!       maybe-end
!       slen
!       lambda end()
!         and
!           integer? end
!           exact? end
!           {start <= end}
!           {end <= slen}

define %substring/shared(s start end)
! if {zero?(start) and {end = string-length(s)}}
!   s
!   substring s start end

define string-copy(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-copy
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   substring s start end

define string-map(proc s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? proc string-map
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-map
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map proc s start end

define %string-map(proc s start end)
! let* <* len {end - start} \\ ans $ make-string len *>
!   do <* i {end - 1} {i - 1} \\ j {len - 1} {j - 1} *>
!     $ {j < 0}
!     string-set! ans j proc(string-ref(s i))
!   ans

define string-map!(proc s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? proc string-map!
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-map!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map! proc s start end

define %string-map!(proc s start end)
! do <* i {end - 1} {i - 1} *>
!   $ {i < start}
!   string-set! s i proc(string-ref(s i))

define string-fold(kons knil s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? kons string-fold
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-fold
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let lp <* v knil \\ i start *>
!     if {i < end}
!       lp kons(string-ref(s i) v) {i + 1}
!       v

define string-fold-right(kons knil s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? kons string-fold-right
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-fold-right
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let lp <* v knil \\ i {end - 1} *>
!     if {i >= start}
!       lp kons(string-ref(s i) v) {i - 1}
!       v

define string-unfold(p f g seed . base+make-final)
! check-arg procedure? p string-unfold
! check-arg procedure? f string-unfold
! check-arg procedure? g string-unfold
! let-optionals*
!   base+make-final
!   base("" string?(base))
!     make-final lambda(x() "") procedure?(make-final)
!   let lp
!     chunks('())
!       nchars 0
!       chunk make-string(40)
!       chunk-len 40
!       i 0
!       seed seed
!     let lp2 <* i i \\ seed seed *>
!       if not(p(seed))
!       ! let <* c $ f seed \\ seed $ g seed *>
!       !   if {i < chunk-len}
!       !   ! begin string-set!(chunk i c) lp2({i + 1} seed)
!       !   ! let*
!       !   !   \\
!       !   !     nchars2 {chunk-len + nchars}
!       !   !     chunk-len2 min(4096 nchars2)
!       !   !     new-chunk make-string(chunk-len2)
!       !   !   string-set! new-chunk 0 c
!       !   !   lp
!       !   !     cons chunk chunks
!       !   !     {nchars + chunk-len}
!       !   !     new-chunk
!       !   !     chunk-len2
!       !   !     1
!       !   !     seed
!       ! let*
!       !   \\
!       !     final make-final(seed)
!       !     flen string-length(final)
!       !     base-len string-length(base)
!       !     j {base-len + nchars + i}
!       !     ans make-string{j + flen}
!       !   %string-copy! ans j final 0 flen
!       !   let <* j {j - i} *>
!       !   ! %string-copy! ans j chunk 0 i
!       !   ! let lp <* j j \\ chunks chunks *>
!       !   !   if pair?(chunks)
!       !   !   ! let*
!       !   !   !   \\
!       !   !   !     chunk car(chunks)
!       !   !   !     chunks cdr(chunks)
!       !   !   !     chunk-len string-length(chunk)
!       !   !   !     j {j - chunk-len}
!       !   !   !   %string-copy! ans j chunk 0 chunk-len
!       !   !   !   lp j chunks
!       !   %string-copy! ans 0 base 0 base-len
!       !   ans

define string-unfold-right(p f g seed . base+make-final)
! let-optionals*
!   base+make-final
!   base("" string?(base))
!     make-final lambda(x() "") procedure?(make-final)
!   let lp
!     chunks('())
!       nchars 0
!       chunk make-string(40)
!       chunk-len 40
!       i 40
!       seed seed
!     let lp2
!       i(i) seed(seed)
!       if not(p(seed))
!       ! let <* c $ f seed \\ seed $ g seed *>
!       !   if {i > 0}
!       !   ! let <* i {i - 1} *>
!       !   !   string-set! chunk i c
!       !   !   lp2 i seed
!       !   ! let*
!       !   !   \\
!       !   !     nchars2 {chunk-len + nchars}
!       !   !     chunk-len2 min(4096 nchars2)
!       !   !     new-chunk make-string(chunk-len2)
!       !   !     i {chunk-len2 - 1}
!       !   !   string-set! new-chunk i c
!       !   !   lp
!       !   !     cons chunk chunks
!       !   !     {nchars + chunk-len}
!       !   !     new-chunk
!       !   !     chunk-len2
!       !   !     i
!       !   !     seed
!       ! let*
!       !   \\
!       !     final make-final(seed)
!       !     flen string-length(final)
!       !     base-len string-length(base)
!       !     chunk-used {chunk-len - i}
!       !     j {base-len + nchars + chunk-used}
!       !     ans make-string{j + flen}
!       !   %string-copy! ans 0 final 0 flen
!       !   %string-copy! ans flen chunk i chunk-len
!       !   let lp <* j {flen + chunk-used} \\ chunks chunks *>
!       !   ! if pair?(chunks)
!       !   !   let*
!       !   !     \\
!       !   !       chunk car(chunks)
!       !   !       chunks cdr(chunks)
!       !   !       chunk-len string-length(chunk)
!       !   !     %string-copy! ans j chunk 0 chunk-len
!       !   !     lp {j + chunk-len} chunks
!       !   !   %string-copy! ans j base 0 base-len
!       !   ans

define string-for-each(proc s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? proc string-for-each
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-for-each
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let lp <* i start *>
!     if {i < end}
!       begin proc(string-ref(s i)) lp{i + 1}

define string-for-each-index(proc s . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg procedure? proc string-for-each-index
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-for-each-index
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let lp <* i start *>
!     if {i < end}
!       begin proc(i) lp{i + 1}

define string-every(criterion s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-every
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! or
!       !   {i >= end}
!       !   {char=?(criterion string-ref(s i)) and lp{i + 1}}
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! or
!       !   {i >= end}
!       !   and
!       !     char-set-contains? criterion string-ref(s i)
!       !     lp {i + 1}
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       or
!         {start = end}
!         let lp <* i start *>
!         ! let <* c $ string-ref s i \\ i1 {i + 1} *>
!         !   if {i1 = end}
!         !   ! criterion c
!         !   ! {criterion(c) and lp(i1)}
!     else
!       error
!         "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
!         string-every
!         criterion

define string-any(criterion s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-any
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   {char=?(criterion string-ref(s i)) or lp{i + 1}}
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   or
!       !     char-set-contains? criterion string-ref(s i)
!       !     lp {i + 1}
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       and
!         {start < end}
!         let lp <* i start *>
!         ! let <* c $ string-ref s i \\ i1 {i + 1} *>
!         !   if {i1 = end}
!         !   ! criterion c
!         !   ! {criterion(c) or lp(i1)}
!     else
!       error
!         "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
!         string-any
!         criterion

define string-tabulate(proc len)
! check-arg procedure? proc string-tabulate
! check-arg
!   lambda val()
!     {integer?(val) and exact?(val) and {0 <= val}}
!   len
!   string-tabulate
! let <* s $ make-string len *>
!   do <* i {len - 1} {i - 1} *>
!     $ {i < 0}
!     string-set! s i proc(i)
!   s

define %string-prefix-length(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let*
!   \\
!     delta min({end1 - start1} {end2 - start2})
!     end1 {start1 + delta}
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     delta
!     let lp <* i start1 \\ j start2 *>
!       if {{i >= end1} or not(char=?(string-ref(s1 i) string-ref(s2 j)))}
!       ! {i - start1}
!       ! lp {i + 1} {j + 1}

define %string-suffix-length(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let*
!   \\
!     delta min({end1 - start1} {end2 - start2})
!     start1 {end1 - delta}
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {end1 = end2}}
!     delta
!     let lp <* i {end1 - 1} \\ j {end2 - 1} *>
!       if {{i < start1} or not(char=?(string-ref(s1 i) string-ref(s2 j)))}
!       ! {{end1 - i} - 1}
!       ! lp {i - 1} {j - 1}

define %string-prefix-length-ci(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let*
!   \\
!     delta min({end1 - start1} {end2 - start2})
!     end1 {start1 + delta}
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     delta
!     let lp <* i start1 \\ j start2 *>
!       if {{i >= end1} or not(char-ci=?(string-ref(s1 i) string-ref(s2 j)))}
!       ! {i - start1}
!       ! lp {i + 1} {j + 1}

define %string-suffix-length-ci(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let*
!   \\
!     delta min({end1 - start1} {end2 - start2})
!     start1 {end1 - delta}
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {end1 = end2}}
!     delta
!     let lp <* i {end1 - 1} \\ j {end2 - 1} *>
!       if
!         or
!           {i < start1}
!           not char-ci=?(string-ref(s1 i) string-ref(s2 j))
!         {{end1 - i} - 1}
!         lp {i - 1} {j - 1}

define string-prefix-length(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-prefix-length
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-suffix-length(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-suffix-length
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-suffix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-prefix-length-ci(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-prefix-length-ci
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-suffix-length-ci(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-suffix-length-ci
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-suffix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-prefix?(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-prefix?
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-prefix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-suffix?(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-suffix?
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-suffix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-prefix-ci?(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-prefix-ci?
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-prefix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

define string-suffix-ci?(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-suffix-ci?
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-suffix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2

;;; Here are the internal routines that do the real work.

define %string-prefix?(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let <* len1 {end1 - start1} *>
!   and
!     {len1 <= {end2 - start2}}
!     {%string-prefix-length(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2) = len1}

define %string-suffix?(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let <* len1 {end1 - start1} *>
!   and
!     {len1 <= {end2 - start2}}
!     {len1 = %string-suffix-length(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)}

define %string-prefix-ci?(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let <* len1 {end1 - start1} *>
!   and
!     {len1 <= {end2 - start2}}
!     {len1 = %string-prefix-length-ci(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)}

define %string-suffix-ci?(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
! let <* len1 {end1 - start1} *>
!   and
!     {len1 <= {end2 - start2}}
!     {len1 = %string-suffix-length-ci(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)}

define %string-compare(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 proc< proc= proc>)
! let <* size1 {end1 - start1} \\ size2 {end2 - start2} *>
!   let <* match $ %string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 *>
!     if {match = size1}
!       if({match = size2} proc= proc<) end1
!       \\
!         if {match = size2}
!         ! proc>
!         ! if
!         !   char<?
!         !     string-ref s1 {start1 + match}
!         !     string-ref s2 {start2 + match}
!         !   proc<
!         !   proc>
!         {match + start1}

define %string-compare-ci(s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 proc< proc= proc>)
! let <* size1 {end1 - start1} \\ size2 {end2 - start2} *>
!   let <* match $ %string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 *>
!     if {match = size1}
!       if({match = size2} proc= proc<) end1
!       \\
!         if {match = size2}
!         ! proc>
!         ! if
!         !   char-ci<?
!         !     string-ref s1 {start1 + match}
!         !     string-ref s2 {start2 + match}
!         !   proc<
!         !   proc>
!         {start1 + match}

define string-compare(s1 s2 proc< proc= proc> . maybe-starts+ends)
! check-arg procedure? proc< string-compare
! check-arg procedure? proc= string-compare
! check-arg procedure? proc> string-compare
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-compare
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-compare
!     s1
!     start1
!     end1
!     s2
!     start2
!     end2
!     proc<
!     proc=
!     proc>

define string-compare-ci(s1 s2 proc< proc= proc> . maybe-starts+ends)
! check-arg procedure? proc< string-compare-ci
! check-arg procedure? proc= string-compare-ci
! check-arg procedure? proc> string-compare-ci
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-compare-ci
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %string-compare-ci
!     s1
!     start1
!     end1
!     s2
!     start2
!     end2
!     proc<
!     proc=
!     proc>

define string=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   and
!     {{end1 - start1} = {end2 - start2}}
!     or
!       {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!       %string-compare
!         s1
!         start1
!         end1
!         s2
!         start2
!         end2
!         lambda i() #f
!         values
!         lambda i() #f

define string<>(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string<>
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   or
!     not {{end1 - start1} = {end2 - start2}}
!     and
!       not {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!       %string-compare
!         s1
!         start1
!         end1
!         s2
!         start2
!         end2
!         values
!         lambda i() #f
!         values

define string<(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string<
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 < end2}
!     %string-compare
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       values
!       lambda i() #f
!       lambda i() #f

define string>(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string>
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 > end2}
!     %string-compare
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       lambda i() #f
!       lambda i() #f
!       values

define string<=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string<=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 <= end2}
!     %string-compare
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       values
!       values
!       lambda i() #f

define string>=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string>=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 >= end2}
!     %string-compare
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       lambda i() #f
!       values
!       values

define string-ci=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   and
!     {{end1 - start1} = {end2 - start2}}
!     or
!       {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!       %string-compare-ci
!         s1
!         start1
!         end1
!         s2
!         start2
!         end2
!         lambda i() #f
!         values
!         lambda i() #f

define string-ci<>(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci<>
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   or
!     not {{end1 - start1} = {end2 - start2}}
!     and
!       not {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!       %string-compare-ci
!         s1
!         start1
!         end1
!         s2
!         start2
!         end2
!         values
!         lambda i() #f
!         values

define string-ci<(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci<
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 < end2}
!     %string-compare-ci
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       values
!       lambda i() #f
!       lambda i() #f

define string-ci>(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci>
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 > end2}
!     %string-compare-ci
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       lambda i() #f
!       lambda i() #f
!       values

define string-ci<=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci<=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 <= end2}
!     %string-compare-ci
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       values
!       values
!       lambda i() #f

define string-ci>=(s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   start1 end1 start2 end2
!   string-ci>=
!   s1
!   s2
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   if {eq?(s1 s2) and {start1 = start2}}
!     {end1 >= end2}
!     %string-compare-ci
!       s1
!       start1
!       end1
!       s2
!       start2
!       end2
!       lambda i() #f
!       values
!       values

define %string-hash(s char->int bound start end)
! let
!   \\
!     iref $ lambda s(i) char->int(string-ref(s i))
!     mask let(lp (i(65536)) if({i >= bound} {i - 1} lp{i + i}))
!   let lp <* i start \\ ans 0 *>
!     if {i >= end}
!       modulo ans bound
!       lp {i + 1} bitwise-and(mask {{37 * ans} + iref(s i)})

define string-hash(s . maybe-bound+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   maybe-bound+start+end
!   bound(4194304 {integer?(bound) and exact?(bound) and {0 <= bound}})
!     rest
!   let <* bound $ if zero?(bound) 4194304 bound *>
!     let-string-start+end
!       start end
!       string-hash
!       s
!       rest
!       %string-hash s char->integer bound start end

define string-hash-ci(s . maybe-bound+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   maybe-bound+start+end
!   bound(4194304 {integer?(bound) and exact?(bound) and {0 <= bound}})
!     rest
!   let <* bound $ if zero?(bound) 4194304 bound *>
!     let-string-start+end
!       start end
!       string-hash-ci
!       s
!       rest
!       %string-hash
!         s
!         lambda c() char->integer(char-downcase(c))
!         bound
!         start
!         end

define string-upcase(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-upcase
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map char-upcase s start end

define string-upcase!(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-upcase!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map! char-upcase s start end

define string-downcase(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-downcase
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map char-downcase s start end

define string-downcase!(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-downcase!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-map! char-downcase s start end

define %string-titlecase!(s start end)
! let lp <* i start *>
!   cond
!     string-index(s char-cased? i end)
!       =>
!       lambda i()
!       ! string-set! s i char-titlecase(string-ref(s i))
!       ! let <* i1 {i + 1} *>
!       !   cond
!       !     string-skip(s char-cased? i1 end)
!       !       =>
!       !       lambda j()
!       !       ! string-downcase! s i1 j
!       !       ! lp {j + 1}
!       !     else string-downcase!(s i1 end)

define string-titlecase!(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-titlecase!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   %string-titlecase! s start end

define string-titlecase(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-titlecase!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let <* ans $ substring s start end *>
!     %string-titlecase! ans 0 {end - start}
!     ans

define string-take(s n)
! check-arg string? s string-take
! check-arg
!   lambda val()
!     and
!       integer? n
!       exact? n
!       {0 <= n <= string-length(s)}
!   n
!   string-take
! %substring/shared s 0 n

define string-take-right(s n)
! check-arg string? s string-take-right
! let <* len $ string-length s *>
!   check-arg
!     lambda val()
!       {integer?(n) and exact?(n) and {0 <= n <= len}}
!     n
!     string-take-right
!   %substring/shared s {len - n} len

define string-drop(s n)
! check-arg string? s string-drop
! let <* len $ string-length s *>
!   check-arg
!     lambda val()
!       {integer?(n) and exact?(n) and {0 <= n <= len}}
!     n
!     string-drop
!   %substring/shared s n len

define string-drop-right(s n)
! check-arg string? s string-drop-right
! let <* len $ string-length s *>
!   check-arg
!     lambda val()
!       {integer?(n) and exact?(n) and {0 <= n <= len}}
!     n
!     string-drop-right
!   %substring/shared s 0 {len - n}

define string-trim(s . criterion+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   criterion+start+end
!   criterion(char-set:whitespace) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-trim
!     s
!     rest
!     cond
!       string-skip(s criterion start end)
!         =>
!         lambda i() %substring/shared(s i end)
!       else ""

define string-trim-right(s . criterion+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   criterion+start+end
!   criterion(char-set:whitespace) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-trim-right
!     s
!     rest
!     cond
!       string-skip-right(s criterion start end)
!         =>
!         lambda i() %substring/shared(s 0 {1 + i})
!       else ""

define string-trim-both(s . criterion+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   criterion+start+end
!   criterion(char-set:whitespace) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-trim-both
!     s
!     rest
!     cond
!       string-skip(s criterion start end)
!         =>
!         lambda i()
!         ! %substring/shared
!         !   s
!         !   i
!         !   {1 + string-skip-right(s criterion i end)}
!       else ""

define string-pad-right(s n . char+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   char+start+end
!   char(#\space char?(char)) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-pad-right
!     s
!     rest
!     check-arg
!       lambda n()
!       ! {integer?(n) and exact?(n) and {0 <= n}}
!       n
!       string-pad-right
!     let <* len {end - start} *>
!       if {n <= len}
!       ! %substring/shared s start {start + n}
!       ! let <* ans $ make-string n char *>
!       !   %string-copy! ans 0 s start end
!       !   ans

define string-pad(s n . char+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   char+start+end
!   char(#\space char?(char)) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-pad
!     s
!     rest
!     check-arg
!       lambda n()
!       ! {integer?(n) and exact?(n) and {0 <= n}}
!       n
!       string-pad
!     let <* len {end - start} *>
!       if {n <= len}
!       ! %substring/shared s {end - n} end
!       ! let <* ans $ make-string n char *>
!       !   %string-copy! ans {n - len} s start end
!       !   ans

define string-delete(criterion s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-delete
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   if procedure?(criterion)
!     let*
!       \\
!         slen {end - start}
!         temp make-string(slen)
!         ans-len
!           string-fold
!             lambda c(i)
!             ! if criterion(c)
!             !   i
!             !   begin string-set!(temp i c) {i + 1}
!             0
!             s
!             start
!             end
!       if {ans-len = slen} temp substring(temp 0 ans-len)
!     let*
!       \\
!         cset
!           cond
!             char-set?(criterion) criterion
!             char?(criterion) char-set(criterion)
!             else
!               error
!                 "string-delete criterion not predicate, char or char-set"
!                 criterion
!         len
!           string-fold
!             lambda c(i)
!             ! if char-set-contains?(cset c) i {i + 1}
!             0
!             s
!             start
!             end
!         ans make-string(len)
!       string-fold
!         lambda c(i)
!         ! if char-set-contains?(cset c)
!         !   i
!         !   begin string-set!(ans i c) {i + 1}
!         0
!         s
!         start
!         end
!       ans

define string-filter(criterion s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-filter
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   if procedure?(criterion)
!     let*
!       \\
!         slen {end - start}
!         temp make-string(slen)
!         ans-len
!           string-fold
!             lambda c(i)
!             ! if criterion(c)
!             !   begin string-set!(temp i c) {i + 1}
!             !   i
!             0
!             s
!             start
!             end
!       if {ans-len = slen} temp substring(temp 0 ans-len)
!     let*
!       \\
!         cset
!           cond
!             char-set?(criterion) criterion
!             char?(criterion) char-set(criterion)
!             else
!               error
!                 "string-delete criterion not predicate, char or char-set"
!                 criterion
!         len
!           string-fold
!             lambda c(i)
!             ! if char-set-contains?(cset c) {i + 1} i
!             0
!             s
!             start
!             end
!         ans make-string(len)
!       string-fold
!         lambda c(i)
!         ! if char-set-contains?(cset c)
!         !   begin string-set!(ans i c) {i + 1}
!         !   i
!         0
!         s
!         start
!         end
!       ans

define string-index(str criterion . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-index
!   str
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if char=?(criterion string-ref(str i)) i lp{i + 1}
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if char-set-contains?(criterion string-ref(str i))
!       !   ! i
!       !   ! lp {i + 1}
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if criterion(string-ref(str i)) i lp{i + 1}
!     else
!       error
!         "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
!         string-index
!         criterion

define string-index-right(str criterion . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-index-right
!   str
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if char=?(criterion string-ref(str i)) i lp{i - 1}
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if char-set-contains?(criterion string-ref(str i))
!       !   ! i
!       !   ! lp {i - 1}
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if criterion(string-ref(str i)) i lp{i - 1}
!     else
!       error
!         "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
!         string-index-right
!         criterion

define string-skip(str criterion . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-skip
!   str
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if char=?(criterion string-ref(str i)) lp{i + 1} i
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if char-set-contains?(criterion string-ref(str i))
!       !   ! lp {i + 1}
!       !   ! i
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i start *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i < end}
!       !   if criterion(string-ref(str i)) lp{i + 1} i
!     else
!       error
!         "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
!         string-skip
!         criterion

define string-skip-right(str criterion . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-skip-right
!   str
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if char=?(criterion string-ref(str i)) lp{i - 1} i
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if char-set-contains?(criterion string-ref(str i))
!       !   ! lp {i - 1}
!       !   ! i
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       let lp <* i {end - 1} *>
!       ! and
!       !   {i >= start}
!       !   if criterion(string-ref(str i)) lp{i - 1} i
!     else
!       error
!         "CRITERION param is neither char-set or char."
!         string-skip-right
!         criterion

define string-count(s criterion . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-count
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   cond
!     char?(criterion)
!       do
!         i(start {i + 1})
!           count
!             0
!             if char=?(criterion string-ref(s i)) {count + 1} count
!         {i >= end} count
!     char-set?(criterion)
!       do
!         i(start {i + 1})
!           count
!             0
!             if char-set-contains?(criterion string-ref(s i))
!             ! {count + 1}
!             ! count
!         {i >= end} count
!     procedure?(criterion)
!       do
!         i(start {i + 1})
!           count 0 if(criterion(string-ref(s i)) {count + 1} count)
!         {i >= end} count
!     else
!       error
!         "CRITERION param is neither char-set or char."
!         string-count
!         criterion

define string-fill!(s char . maybe-start+end)
! check-arg char? char string-fill!
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-fill!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   do <* i {end - 1} {i - 1} *>
!     $ {i < start}
!     string-set! s i char

define string-copy!(to tstart from . maybe-fstart+fend)
! let-string-start+end
!   fstart fend
!   string-copy!
!   from
!   maybe-fstart+fend
!   check-arg integer? tstart string-copy!
!   check-substring-spec
!     string-copy!
!     to
!     tstart
!     {tstart + {fend - fstart}}
!   %string-copy! to tstart from fstart fend

;;; Library-internal routine
define %string-copy!(to tstart from fstart fend)
! if {fstart > tstart}
!   do <* i fstart {i + 1} \\ j tstart {j + 1} *>
!     $ {i >= fend}
!     string-set! to j string-ref(from i)
!   do
!     \\
!       i {fend - 1} {i - 1}
!       j {-1 + tstart + {fend - fstart}} {j - 1}
!     $ {i < fstart}
!     string-set! to j string-ref(from i)

define string-contains(text pattern . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   t-start t-end p-start p-end
!   string-contains
!   text
!   pattern
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %kmp-search
!     pattern
!     text
!     char=?
!     p-start
!     p-end
!     t-start
!     t-end

define string-contains-ci(text pattern . maybe-starts+ends)
! let-string-start+end2
!   t-start t-end p-start p-end
!   string-contains-ci
!   text
!   pattern
!   maybe-starts+ends
!   %kmp-search
!     pattern
!     text
!     char-ci=?
!     p-start
!     p-end
!     t-start
!     t-end

;;; Knuth-Morris-Pratt string searching

define %kmp-search(pattern text c= p-start p-end t-start t-end)
! let
!   \\
!     plen {p-end - p-start}
!     rv make-kmp-restart-vector(pattern c= p-start p-end)
!   let lp
!     ti(t-start) pi(0) tj{t-end - t-start} pj(plen)
!     if {pi = plen}
!       {ti - plen}
!       and
!         {pj <= tj}
!         if c=(string-ref(text ti) string-ref(pattern {p-start + pi}))
!         ! lp {1 + ti} {1 + pi} {tj - 1} {pj - 1}
!         ! let <* pi $ vector-ref rv pi *>
!         !   if {pi = -1}
!         !   ! lp {ti + 1} 0 {tj - 1} plen
!         !   ! lp ti pi tj {plen - pi}

define make-kmp-restart-vector(pattern . maybe-c=+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   maybe-c=+start+end
!   c=(char=? procedure?(c=))
!     start(end)
!       lambda args()
!       ! string-parse-start+end make-kmp-restart-vector pattern args
!   let* <* rvlen {end - start} \\ rv $ make-vector rvlen -1 *>
!     if {rvlen > 0}
!       let <* rvlen-1 {rvlen - 1} \\ c0 $ string-ref pattern start *>
!       ! let lp1
!       !   i(0) j(-1) k(start)
!       !   if {i < rvlen-1}
!       !   ! let lp2
!       !   !   (j(j))
!       !   !   cond
!       !   !     {j = -1}
!       !   !       let <* i1 {1 + i} *>
!       !   !       ! if not(c=(string-ref(pattern {k + 1}) c0))
!       !   !       !   vector-set! rv i1 0
!       !   !       ! lp1 i1 0 {k + 1}
!       !   !     c=(string-ref(pattern k) string-ref(pattern {j + start}))
!       !   !       let* <* i1 {1 + i} \\ j1 {1 + j} *>
!       !   !       ! vector-set! rv i1 j1
!       !   !       ! lp1 i1 j1 {k + 1}
!       !   !     else lp2(vector-ref(rv j))
!     rv

define kmp-step(pat rv c i c= p-start)
! let lp <* i i *>
!   if c=(c string-ref(pat {i + p-start}))
!     {i + 1}
!     let <* i $ vector-ref rv i *>
!       if {i = -1} 0 lp(i)

define string-kmp-partial-search(pat rv s i . c=+p-start+s-start+s-end)
! check-arg vector? rv string-kmp-partial-search
! let-optionals*
!   c=+p-start+s-start+s-end
!   c=(char=? procedure?(c=))
!     p-start
!       0
!       {integer?(p-start) and exact?(p-start) and {0 <= p-start}}
!     s-start(s-end)
!       lambda args()
!       ! string-parse-start+end string-kmp-partial-search s args
!   let <* patlen $ vector-length rv *>
!     check-arg
!       lambda i()
!       ! {integer?(i) and exact?(i) and {0 <= i} and {i < patlen}}
!       i
!       string-kmp-partial-search
!     let lp <* si s-start \\ vi i *>
!       cond
!         {vi = patlen} -(si)
!         {si = s-end} vi
!         else
!           let <* c $ string-ref s si *>
!           ! lp
!           !   {si + 1}
!           !   let lp2 <* vi vi *>
!           !   ! if c=(c string-ref(pat {vi + p-start}))
!           !   !   {vi + 1}
!           !   !   let <* vi $ vector-ref rv vi *>
!           !   !   ! if {vi = -1} 0 lp2(vi)

define string-null?(s) zero?(string-length(s))

define string-reverse(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-reverse
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   let* <* len {end - start} \\ ans $ make-string len *>
!     do <* i start {i + 1} \\ j {len - 1} {j - 1} *>
!       $ {j < 0}
!       string-set! ans j string-ref(s i)
!     ans

define string-reverse!(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string-reverse!
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   do <* i {end - 1} {i - 1} \\ j start {j + 1} *>
!     $ {i <= j}
!     let <* ci $ string-ref s i *>
!       string-set! s i string-ref(s j)
!       string-set! s j ci

define reverse-list->string(clist)
! let* <* len $ length clist \\ s $ make-string len *>
!   do <* i {len - 1} {i - 1} \\ clist clist cdr(clist) *>
!     $ not(pair?(clist))
!     string-set! s i car(clist)
!   s

define string->list(s . maybe-start+end)
! let-string-start+end
!   start end
!   string->list
!   s
!   maybe-start+end
!   do <* i {end - 1} {i - 1} \\ ans '() cons(string-ref(s i) ans) *>
!     {i < start} ans

define string-append/shared(. strings)
! string-concatenate/shared strings

define string-concatenate/shared(strings)
! let lp <* strings strings \\ nchars 0 \\ first #f *>
!   cond
!     pair?(strings)
!       let*
!         \\
!           string car(strings)
!           tail cdr(strings)
!           slen string-length(string)
!         if zero?(slen)
!         ! lp tail nchars first
!         ! lp tail {nchars + slen} {first or strings}
!     zero?(nchars) ""
!     {nchars = string-length(car(first))} car(first)
!     else
!       let <* ans $ make-string nchars *>
!       ! let lp <* strings first \\ i 0 *>
!       !   if pair?(strings)
!       !   ! let* <* s $ car strings \\ slen $ string-length s *>
!       !   !   %string-copy! ans i s 0 slen
!       !   !   lp cdr(strings) {i + slen}
!       ! ans

define string-concatenate(strings)
! let*
!   \\
!     total
!       do
!         strings(strings cdr(strings))
!           i 0 {i + string-length(car(strings))}
!         not(pair?(strings)) i
!     ans make-string(total)
!   let lp <* i 0 \\ strings strings *>
!     if pair?(strings)
!       let* <* s $ car strings \\ slen $ string-length s *>
!       ! %string-copy! ans i s 0 slen
!       ! lp {i + slen} cdr(strings)
!   ans

define string-concatenate-reverse(string-list . maybe-final+end)
! let-optionals*
!   maybe-final+end
!   final("" string?(final))
!     end
!       string-length final
!       and
!         integer? end
!         exact? end
!         {0 <= end <= string-length(final)}
!   let
!     \\
!       len
!         let lp <* sum 0 \\ lis string-list *>
!         ! if pair?(lis)
!         !   lp {sum + string-length(car(lis))} cdr(lis)
!         !   sum
!     %finish-string-concatenate-reverse
!       len
!       string-list
!       final
!       end

define string-concatenate-reverse/shared(string-list . maybe-final+end)
! let-optionals*
!   maybe-final+end
!   final("" string?(final))
!     end
!       string-length final
!       and
!         integer? end
!         exact? end
!         {0 <= end <= string-length(final)}
!   let lp <* len 0 \\ nzlist #f \\ lis string-list *>
!     if pair?(lis)
!       let <* slen $ string-length car(lis) *>
!       ! lp
!       !   {len + slen}
!       !   if {nzlist or zero?(slen)} nzlist lis
!       !   cdr lis
!       cond
!         zero?(len) substring/shared(final 0 end)
!         {zero?(end) and {len = string-length(car(nzlist))}}
!           car nzlist
!         else
!           %finish-string-concatenate-reverse len nzlist final end

define %finish-string-concatenate-reverse(len string-list final end)
! let <* ans $ make-string {end + len} *>
!   %string-copy! ans len final 0 end
!   let lp <* i len \\ lis string-list *>
!     if pair?(lis)
!       let*
!       ! \\
!       !    s car(lis)
!       !    lis cdr(lis)
!       !    slen string-length(s)
!       !    i {i - slen}
!       ! %string-copy! ans i s 0 slen
!       ! lp i lis
!   ans

define string-replace(s1 s2 start1 end1 . maybe-start+end)
! check-substring-spec string-replace s1 start1 end1
! let-string-start+end
!   start2 end2
!   string-replace
!   s2
!   maybe-start+end
!   let*
!     \\
!       slen1 string-length(s1)
!       sublen2 {end2 - start2}
!       alen {{slen1 - {end1 - start1}} + sublen2}
!       ans make-string(alen)
!     %string-copy! ans 0 s1 0 start1
!     %string-copy! ans start1 s2 start2 end2
!     %string-copy! ans {start1 + sublen2} s1 end1 slen1
!     ans

define string-tokenize(s . token-chars+start+end)
! let-optionals*
!   token-chars+start+end
!   token-chars(char-set:graphic char-set?(token-chars)) rest
!   let-string-start+end
!     start end
!     string-tokenize
!     s
!     rest
!     let lp <* i end \\ ans '() *>
!       cond
!         {{start < i} and string-index-right(s token-chars start i)}
!           =>
!           lambda tend-1()
!           ! let <* tend {1 + tend-1} *>
!           !   cond
!           !     string-skip-right(s token-chars start tend-1)
!           !       =>
!           !       lambda tstart-1()
!           !       ! lp tstart-1 cons(substring(s {1 + tstart-1} tend) ans)
!           !     else cons(substring(s start tend) ans)
!         else ans

define xsubstring(s from . maybe-to+start+end)
! check-arg
!   lambda val() {integer?(val) and exact?(val)}
!   from
!   xsubstring
! receive
!   to start end
!   if pair?(maybe-to+start+end)
!     let-string-start+end
!       start end
!       xsubstring
!       s
!       cdr maybe-to+start+end
!       let <* to $ car maybe-to+start+end *>
!       ! check-arg
!       !   lambda val()
!       !   ! {integer?(val) and exact?(val) and {from <= val}}
!       !   to
!       !   xsubstring
!       ! values to start end
!     let <* slen $ string-length check-arg(string? s xsubstring) *>
!       values {from + slen} 0 slen
!   let <* slen {end - start} \\ anslen {to - from} *>
!     cond
!       zero?(anslen) ""
!       zero?(slen)
!         error
!           "Cannot replicate empty (sub)string"
!           xsubstring
!           s
!           from
!           to
!           start
!           end
!       {1 = slen} make-string(anslen string-ref(s start))
!       {floor{from / slen} = floor{to / slen}}
!         substring
!           s
!           {start + modulo(from slen)}
!           {start + modulo(to slen)}
!       else
!         let <* ans $ make-string anslen *>
!         ! %multispan-repcopy!
!         !   ans
!         !   0
!         !   s
!         !   from
!         !   to
!         !   start
!         !   end
!         ! ans

define string-xcopy!(target tstart s sfrom . maybe-sto+start+end)
! check-arg
!   lambda val() {integer?(val) and exact?(val)}
!   sfrom
!   string-xcopy!
! receive
!   sto start end
!   if pair?(maybe-sto+start+end)
!     let-string-start+end
!       start end
!       string-xcopy!
!       s
!       cdr maybe-sto+start+end
!       let <* sto $ car maybe-sto+start+end *>
!       ! check-arg
!       !   lambda val() {integer?(val) and exact?(val)}
!       !   sto
!       !   string-xcopy!
!       ! values sto start end
!     let <* slen $ string-length s *> values({sfrom + slen} 0 slen)
!   let*
!     \\
!        tocopy {sto - sfrom}
!        tend {tstart + tocopy}
!        slen {end - start}
!     check-substring-spec string-xcopy! target tstart tend
!     cond
!       (zero?(tocopy))
!       zero?(slen)
!         error
!           "Cannot replicate empty (sub)string"
!           string-xcopy!
!           target
!           tstart
!           s
!           sfrom
!           sto
!           start
!           end
!       {1 = slen}
!         string-fill! target string-ref(s start) tstart tend
!       {floor{sfrom / slen} = floor{sto / slen}}
!         %string-copy!
!           target
!           tstart
!           s
!           {start + modulo(sfrom slen)}
!           {start + modulo(sto slen)}
!       else
!         %multispan-repcopy!
!           target
!           tstart
!           s
!           sfrom
!           sto
!           start
!           end

define %multispan-repcopy!(target tstart s sfrom sto start end)
! let*
!   \\
!     slen {end - start}
!     i0 {start + modulo(sfrom slen)}
!     total-chars {sto - sfrom}
!   %string-copy! target tstart s i0 end
!   let*
!     \\
!       ncopied {end - i0}
!       nleft {total-chars - ncopied}
!       nspans quotient(nleft slen)
!     do <* i {tstart + ncopied} {i + slen} \\ nspans nspans {nspans - 1} *>
!       zero?(nspans)
!         %string-copy! target i s start
!           {start + {total-chars - {i - tstart}}}
!       %string-copy! target i s start end; Copy a whole span.

define string-join(strings . delim+grammar)
! let-optionals*
!   delim+grammar
!   delim(" " string?(delim)) grammar('infix)
!   let
!     \\
!       buildit
!         lambda lis(final)
!         ! let recur
!         !   (lis(lis))
!         !   if pair?(lis)
!         !   ! cons delim cons(car(lis) recur(cdr(lis)))
!         !   ! final
!     cond
!       pair?(strings)
!         string-concatenate
!           case grammar
!           ! infix(strict-infix)
!           !   cons car(strings) buildit(cdr(strings) '())
!           ! prefix() buildit(strings '())
!           ! suffix()
!           !   cons car(strings) buildit(cdr(strings) list(delim))
!           ! else error("Illegal join grammar" grammar string-join)
!       not(null?(strings))
!         error "STRINGS parameter not list." strings string-join
!       eq?(grammar 'strict-infix)
!         error
!           "Empty list cannot be joined with STRICT-INFIX grammar."
!           string-join
!       else ""; Special-cased for infix grammar.

;;; Copyright details
;;; The prefix/suffix and comparison routines in this code had (extremely
;;; distant) origins in MIT Scheme's string lib, and was substantially
;;; reworked by Olin Shivers (shivers@xxxxxxxxxx) 9/98. As such, it is
;;; covered by MIT Scheme's open source copyright. See below for details.
;;; The KMP string-search code was influenced by implementations written
;;; by Stephen Bevan, Brian Dehneyer and Will Fitzgerald. However, this
;;; version was written from scratch by myself.
;;; The remainder of this code was written from scratch by myself for scsh.
;;; The scsh copyright is a BSD-style open source copyright. See below for
;;; details.
;;;     -Olin Shivers

;;; MIT Scheme copyright terms
;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
;;; Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
;;; Computer Science.  Permission to copy and modify this software, to
;;; redistribute either the original software or a modified version, and
;;; to use this software for any purpose is granted, subject to the
;;; following restrictions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;;; in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
;;; return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
;;; they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
;;; to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
;;; standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
;;; Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
;;; promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
;;; MIT in each case.

;;; Scsh copyright terms
;;; All rights reserved.
;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
;;; are met:
;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
;;;    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
;;; 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products
;;;    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

; s-expressions

; Sample SRFI-13 implementation, from:
; http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-13/srfi-13.scm

;;; SRFI 13 string library reference implementation		-*- Scheme -*-
;;; Olin Shivers 7/2000
;;; Copyright (c) 1988-1994 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
;;; Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 Olin Shivers. All rights reserved.
;;;   The details of the copyrights appear at the end of the file. Short
;;;   summary: BSD-style open source.

; Since we only care about the *format*, nearly all ;-comments have been
; removed from this version, to shorten it (see the original file for them).

(define-syntax let-string-start+end
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((let-string-start+end (start end) proc s-exp args-exp body ...)
     (receive (start end) (string-parse-final-start+end proc s-exp args-exp)
       body ...))
    ((let-string-start+end (start end rest) proc s-exp args-exp body ...)
     (receive (rest start end) (string-parse-start+end proc s-exp args-exp)
       body ...))))

(define-syntax let-string-start+end2
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((l-s-s+e2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) proc s1 s2 args body ...)
     (let ((procv proc)) ; Make sure PROC is only evaluated once.
       (let-string-start+end (start1 end1 rest) procv s1 args
         (let-string-start+end (start2 end2) procv s2 rest
           body ...))))))

(define (string-parse-start+end proc s args)
  (if (not (string? s)) (error "Non-string value" proc s))
  (let ((slen (string-length s)))
    (if (pair? args)

	(let ((start (car args))
	      (args (cdr args)))
	  (if (and (integer? start) (exact? start) (>= start 0))
	      (receive (end args)
		  (if (pair? args)
		      (let ((end (car args))
			    (args (cdr args)))
			(if (and (integer? end) (exact? end) (<= end slen))
			    (values end args)
			    (error "Illegal substring END spec" proc end s)))
		      (values slen args))
		(if (<= start end) (values args start end)
		    (error "Illegal substring START/END spec"
			   proc start end s)))
	      (error "Illegal substring START spec" proc start s)))

	(values '() 0 slen))))

(define (string-parse-final-start+end proc s args)
  (receive (rest start end) (string-parse-start+end proc s args)
    (if (pair? rest) (error "Extra arguments to procedure" proc rest)
	(values start end))))

(define (substring-spec-ok? s start end)
  (and (string? s)
       (integer? start)
       (exact? start)
       (integer? end)
       (exact? end)
       (<= 0 start)
       (<= start end)
       (<= end (string-length s))))

(define (check-substring-spec proc s start end)
  (if (not (substring-spec-ok? s start end))
      (error "Illegal substring spec." proc s start end)))

(define (substring/shared s start . maybe-end)
  (check-arg string? s substring/shared)
  (let ((slen (string-length s)))
    (check-arg (lambda (start) (and (integer? start) (exact? start) (<= 0 start)))
	       start substring/shared)
    (%substring/shared s start
		       (:optional maybe-end slen
				  (lambda (end) (and (integer? end)
						     (exact? end)
						     (<= start end)
						     (<= end slen)))))))

(define (%substring/shared s start end)
  (if (and (zero? start) (= end (string-length s))) s
      (substring s start end)))

(define (string-copy s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-copy s maybe-start+end
    (substring s start end)))

(define (string-map proc s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? proc string-map)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-map s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map proc s start end)))

(define (%string-map proc s start end)	; Internal utility
  (let* ((len (- end start))
	 (ans (make-string len)))
    (do ((i (- end 1) (- i 1))
	 (j (- len 1) (- j 1)))
	((< j 0))
      (string-set! ans j (proc (string-ref s i))))

(define (string-map! proc s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? proc string-map!)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-map! s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map! proc s start end)))

(define (%string-map! proc s start end)
  (do ((i (- end 1) (- i 1)))
      ((< i start))
    (string-set! s i (proc (string-ref s i)))))

(define (string-fold kons knil s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? kons string-fold)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-fold s maybe-start+end
    (let lp ((v knil) (i start))
      (if (< i end) (lp (kons (string-ref s i) v) (+ i 1))

(define (string-fold-right kons knil s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? kons string-fold-right)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-fold-right s maybe-start+end
    (let lp ((v knil) (i (- end 1)))
      (if (>= i start) (lp (kons (string-ref s i) v) (- i 1))

(define (string-unfold p f g seed . base+make-final)
  (check-arg procedure? p string-unfold)
  (check-arg procedure? f string-unfold)
  (check-arg procedure? g string-unfold)
  (let-optionals* base+make-final
                  ((base       ""              (string? base))
		   (make-final (lambda (x) "") (procedure? make-final)))
    (let lp ((chunks '())		; Previously filled chunks
	     (nchars 0)			; Number of chars in CHUNKS
	     (chunk (make-string 40))	; Current chunk into which we write
	     (chunk-len 40)
	     (i 0)			; Number of chars written into CHUNK
	     (seed seed))
      (let lp2 ((i i) (seed seed))
	(if (not (p seed))
	    (let ((c (f seed))
		  (seed (g seed)))
	      (if (< i chunk-len)
		  (begin (string-set! chunk i c)
			 (lp2 (+ i 1) seed))

		  (let* ((nchars2 (+ chunk-len nchars))
			 (chunk-len2 (min 4096 nchars2))
			 (new-chunk (make-string chunk-len2)))
		    (string-set! new-chunk 0 c)
		    (lp (cons chunk chunks) (+ nchars chunk-len)
			new-chunk chunk-len2 1 seed))))

	    ;; We're done. Make the answer string & install the bits.
	    (let* ((final (make-final seed))
		   (flen (string-length final))
		   (base-len (string-length base))
		   (j (+ base-len nchars i))
		   (ans (make-string (+ j flen))))
	      (%string-copy! ans j final 0 flen)	; Install FINAL.
	      (let ((j (- j i)))
		(%string-copy! ans j chunk 0 i)		; Install CHUNK[0,I).
		(let lp ((j j) (chunks chunks))		; Install CHUNKS.
		  (if (pair? chunks)
		      (let* ((chunk  (car chunks))
			     (chunks (cdr chunks))
			     (chunk-len (string-length chunk))
			     (j (- j chunk-len)))
			(%string-copy! ans j chunk 0 chunk-len)
			(lp j chunks)))))
	      (%string-copy! ans 0 base 0 base-len)	; Install BASE.

(define (string-unfold-right p f g seed . base+make-final)
  (let-optionals* base+make-final
                  ((base       ""              (string? base))
		   (make-final (lambda (x) "") (procedure? make-final)))
    (let lp ((chunks '())		; Previously filled chunks
	     (nchars 0)			; Number of chars in CHUNKS
	     (chunk (make-string 40))	; Current chunk into which we write
	     (chunk-len 40)
	     (i 40)			; Number of chars available in CHUNK
	     (seed seed))
      (let lp2 ((i i) (seed seed))	; Fill up CHUNK from right
	(if (not (p seed))		; to left.
	    (let ((c (f seed))
		  (seed (g seed)))
	      (if (> i 0)
		  (let ((i (- i 1)))
		    (string-set! chunk i c)
		    (lp2 i seed))

		  (let* ((nchars2 (+ chunk-len nchars))
			 (chunk-len2 (min 4096 nchars2))
			 (new-chunk (make-string chunk-len2))
			 (i (- chunk-len2 1)))
		    (string-set! new-chunk i c)
		    (lp (cons chunk chunks) (+ nchars chunk-len)
			new-chunk chunk-len2 i seed))))

	    ;; We're done. Make the answer string & install the bits.
	    (let* ((final (make-final seed))
		   (flen (string-length final))
		   (base-len (string-length base))
		   (chunk-used (- chunk-len i))
		   (j (+ base-len nchars chunk-used))
		   (ans (make-string (+ j flen))))
	      (%string-copy! ans 0 final 0 flen)	; Install FINAL.
	      (%string-copy! ans flen chunk i chunk-len); Install CHUNK[I,).
	      (let lp ((j (+ flen chunk-used))		; Install CHUNKS.
		       (chunks chunks))		
		  (if (pair? chunks)
		      (let* ((chunk  (car chunks))
			     (chunks (cdr chunks))
			     (chunk-len (string-length chunk)))
			(%string-copy! ans j chunk 0 chunk-len)
			(lp (+ j chunk-len) chunks))
		      (%string-copy! ans j base 0 base-len))); Install BASE.

(define (string-for-each proc s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? proc string-for-each)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-for-each s maybe-start+end
    (let lp ((i start))
      (if (< i end)
	  (begin (proc (string-ref s i)) 
		 (lp (+ i 1)))))))

(define (string-for-each-index proc s . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg procedure? proc string-for-each-index)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-for-each-index s maybe-start+end
    (let lp ((i start))
      (if (< i end) (begin (proc i) (lp (+ i 1)))))))

(define (string-every criterion s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-every s maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (or (>= i end)
		 (and (char=? criterion (string-ref s i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))

	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (or (>= i end)
		 (and (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref s i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))

	  ((procedure? criterion)		; Slightly funky loop so that
	   (or (= start end)			; final (PRED S[END-1]) call
	       (let lp ((i start))		; is a tail call.
		 (let ((c (string-ref s i))
		       (i1 (+ i 1)))
		   (if (= i1 end) (criterion c)	; Tail call.
		       (and (criterion c) (lp i1)))))))

	  (else (error "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
		       string-every criterion)))))

(define (string-any criterion s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-any s maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (or (char=? criterion (string-ref s i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))

	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (or (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref s i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))

	  ((procedure? criterion)		; Slightly funky loop so that
	   (and (< start end)			; final (PRED S[END-1]) call
		(let lp ((i start))		; is a tail call.
		  (let ((c (string-ref s i))
			(i1 (+ i 1)))
		    (if (= i1 end) (criterion c)	; Tail call
			(or (criterion c) (lp i1)))))))

	  (else (error "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
		       string-any criterion)))))

(define (string-tabulate proc len)
  (check-arg procedure? proc string-tabulate)
  (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? val) (exact? val) (<= 0 val)))
	     len string-tabulate)
  (let ((s (make-string len)))
    (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1)))
	((< i 0))
      (string-set! s i (proc i)))

(define (%string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let* ((delta (min (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))
	 (end1 (+ start1 delta)))

    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))	; EQ fast path

	(let lp ((i start1) (j start2))		; Regular path
	  (if (or (>= i end1)
		  (not (char=? (string-ref s1 i)
			       (string-ref s2 j))))
	      (- i start1)
	      (lp (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))))

(define (%string-suffix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let* ((delta (min (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))
	 (start1 (- end1 delta)))

    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= end1 end2))		; EQ fast path

	(let lp ((i (- end1 1)) (j (- end2 1)))	; Regular path
	  (if (or (< i start1)
		  (not (char=? (string-ref s1 i)
			       (string-ref s2 j))))
	      (- (- end1 i) 1)
	      (lp (- i 1) (- j 1)))))))

(define (%string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let* ((delta (min (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))
	 (end1 (+ start1 delta)))

    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))	; EQ fast path

	(let lp ((i start1) (j start2))		; Regular path
	  (if (or (>= i end1)
		  (not (char-ci=? (string-ref s1 i)
				  (string-ref s2 j))))
	      (- i start1)
	      (lp (+ i 1) (+ j 1)))))))

(define (%string-suffix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let* ((delta (min (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))
	 (start1 (- end1 delta)))

    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= end1 end2))		; EQ fast path

	(let lp ((i (- end1 1)) (j (- end2 1)))	; Regular path
	  (if (or (< i start1)
		  (not (char-ci=? (string-ref s1 i)
				  (string-ref s2 j))))
	      (- (- end1 i) 1)
	      (lp (- i 1) (- j 1)))))))

(define (string-prefix-length s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-prefix-length s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-suffix-length s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-suffix-length s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-suffix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-prefix-length-ci s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-prefix-length-ci s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-suffix-length-ci s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-suffix-length-ci s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-suffix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-prefix? s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-prefix? s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-prefix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-suffix? s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-suffix? s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-suffix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-prefix-ci? s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-prefix-ci? s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-prefix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

(define (string-suffix-ci? s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-suffix-ci? s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-suffix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))

;;; Here are the internal routines that do the real work.

(define (%string-prefix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let ((len1 (- end1 start1)))
    (and (<= len1 (- end2 start2))	; Quick check
	 (= (%string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1
				   s2 start2 end2)

(define (%string-suffix? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let ((len1 (- end1 start1)))
    (and (<= len1 (- end2 start2))	; Quick check
	 (= len1 (%string-suffix-length s1 start1 end1
					s2 start2 end2)))))

(define (%string-prefix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let ((len1 (- end1 start1)))
    (and (<= len1 (- end2 start2))	; Quick check
	 (= len1 (%string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1
					   s2 start2 end2)))))

(define (%string-suffix-ci? s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)
  (let ((len1 (- end1 start1)))
    (and (<= len1 (- end2 start2))	; Quick check
	 (= len1 (%string-suffix-length-ci s1 start1 end1
					   s2 start2 end2)))))

(define (%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2
			   proc< proc= proc>)
  (let ((size1 (- end1 start1))
	(size2 (- end2 start2)))
    (let ((match (%string-prefix-length s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))
      (if (= match size1)
	  ((if (= match size2) proc= proc<) end1)
	  ((if (= match size2)
	       (if (char<? (string-ref s1 (+ start1 match))
			   (string-ref s2 (+ start2 match)))
		   proc< proc>))
	   (+ match start1))))))

(define (%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2
			      proc< proc= proc>)
  (let ((size1 (- end1 start1))
	(size2 (- end2 start2)))
    (let ((match (%string-prefix-length-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2)))
      (if (= match size1)
	  ((if (= match size2) proc= proc<) end1)
	  ((if (= match size2) proc>
	       (if (char-ci<? (string-ref s1 (+ start1 match))
			      (string-ref s2 (+ start2 match)))
		   proc< proc>))
	   (+ start1 match))))))

(define (string-compare s1 s2 proc< proc= proc> . maybe-starts+ends)
  (check-arg procedure? proc< string-compare)
  (check-arg procedure? proc= string-compare)
  (check-arg procedure? proc> string-compare)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-compare s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 proc< proc= proc>)))

(define (string-compare-ci s1 s2 proc< proc= proc> . maybe-starts+ends)
  (check-arg procedure? proc< string-compare-ci)
  (check-arg procedure? proc= string-compare-ci)
  (check-arg procedure? proc> string-compare-ci)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-compare-ci s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 proc< proc= proc>)))

(define (string= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (and (= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2))			; Quick filter
	 (or (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))		; Fast path
	     (%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			      (lambda (i) #f)
			      (lambda (i) #f))))))

(define (string<> s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string<> s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (or (not (= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))		; Fast path
	(and (not (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2)))		; Quick filter
	     (%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			      (lambda (i) #f)

(define (string< s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string< s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(< end1 end2)

	(%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 		; Real test
			 (lambda (i) #f)
			 (lambda (i) #f)))))

(define (string> s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string> s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(> end1 end2)

	(%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 		; Real test
			 (lambda (i) #f)
			 (lambda (i) #f)

(define (string<= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string<= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(<= end1 end2)

	(%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 		; Real test
			 (lambda (i) #f)))))

(define (string>= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string>= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(>= end1 end2)

	(%string-compare s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2 		; Real test
			 (lambda (i) #f)

(define (string-ci= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (and (= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2))			; Quick filter
	 (or (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))		; Fast path
	     (%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
				 (lambda (i) #f)
				 (lambda (i) #f))))))

(define (string-ci<> s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci<> s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (or (not (= (- end1 start1) (- end2 start2)))		; Fast path
	(and (not (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2)))		; Quick filter
	     (%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
				 (lambda (i) #f)

(define (string-ci< s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci< s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(< end1 end2)

	(%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			    (lambda (i) #f)
			    (lambda (i) #f)))))

(define (string-ci> s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci> s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(> end1 end2)

	(%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			    (lambda (i) #f)
			    (lambda (i) #f)

(define (string-ci<= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci<= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(<= end1 end2)

	(%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			    (lambda (i) #f)))))

(define (string-ci>= s1 s2 . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (start1 end1 start2 end2) 
			 string-ci>= s1 s2 maybe-starts+ends
    (if (and (eq? s1 s2) (= start1 start2))			; Fast path
	(>= end1 end2)

	(%string-compare-ci s1 start1 end1 s2 start2 end2	; Real test
			    (lambda (i) #f)

(define (%string-hash s char->int bound start end)
  (let ((iref (lambda (s i) (char->int (string-ref s i))))
	;; Compute a 111...1 mask that will cover BOUND-1:
	(mask (let lp ((i #x10000)) ; Let's skip first 16 iterations, eh?
		(if (>= i bound) (- i 1) (lp (+ i i))))))
    (let lp ((i start) (ans 0))
      (if (>= i end) (modulo ans bound)
	  (lp (+ i 1) (bitwise-and mask (+ (* 37 ans) (iref s i))))))))

(define (string-hash s . maybe-bound+start+end)
  (let-optionals* maybe-bound+start+end ((bound 4194304 (and (integer? bound)
							     (exact? bound)
							     (<= 0 bound)))
    (let ((bound (if (zero? bound) 4194304 bound)))	; 0 means default.
      (let-string-start+end (start end) string-hash s rest
        (%string-hash s char->integer bound start end)))))

(define (string-hash-ci s . maybe-bound+start+end)
  (let-optionals* maybe-bound+start+end ((bound 4194304 (and (integer? bound)
							     (exact? bound)
							     (<= 0 bound)))
    (let ((bound (if (zero? bound) 4194304 bound)))	; 0 means default.
      (let-string-start+end (start end) string-hash-ci s rest
        (%string-hash s (lambda (c) (char->integer (char-downcase c)))
		      bound start end)))))

(define (string-upcase  s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-upcase s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map char-upcase s start end)))

(define (string-upcase! s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-upcase! s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map! char-upcase s start end)))

(define (string-downcase  s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-downcase s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map char-downcase s start end)))

(define (string-downcase! s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-downcase! s maybe-start+end
    (%string-map! char-downcase s start end)))

(define (%string-titlecase! s start end)
  (let lp ((i start))
    (cond ((string-index s char-cased? i end) =>
           (lambda (i)
	     (string-set! s i (char-titlecase (string-ref s i)))
	     (let ((i1 (+ i 1)))
	       (cond ((string-skip s char-cased? i1 end) =>
		      (lambda (j)
			(string-downcase! s i1 j)
			(lp (+ j 1))))
		     (else (string-downcase! s i1 end)))))))))

(define (string-titlecase! s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-titlecase! s maybe-start+end
    (%string-titlecase! s start end)))

(define (string-titlecase s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-titlecase! s maybe-start+end
    (let ((ans (substring s start end)))
      (%string-titlecase! ans 0 (- end start))

(define (string-take s n)
  (check-arg string? s string-take)
  (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? n) (exact? n)
				(<= 0 n (string-length s))))
	     n string-take)
  (%substring/shared s 0 n))

(define (string-take-right s n)
  (check-arg string? s string-take-right)
  (let ((len (string-length s)))
    (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (<= 0 n len)))
	       n string-take-right)
    (%substring/shared s (- len n) len)))

(define (string-drop s n)
  (check-arg string? s string-drop)
  (let ((len (string-length s)))
    (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (<= 0 n len)))
	       n string-drop)
  (%substring/shared s n len)))

(define (string-drop-right s n)
  (check-arg string? s string-drop-right)
  (let ((len (string-length s)))
    (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (<= 0 n len)))
	       n string-drop-right)
    (%substring/shared s 0 (- len n))))

(define (string-trim s . criterion+start+end)
  (let-optionals* criterion+start+end ((criterion char-set:whitespace) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-trim s rest
      (cond ((string-skip s criterion start end) =>
	     (lambda (i) (%substring/shared s i end)))
	    (else "")))))

(define (string-trim-right s . criterion+start+end)
  (let-optionals* criterion+start+end ((criterion char-set:whitespace) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-trim-right s rest
      (cond ((string-skip-right s criterion start end) =>
	     (lambda (i) (%substring/shared s 0 (+ 1 i))))
	    (else "")))))

(define (string-trim-both s . criterion+start+end)
  (let-optionals* criterion+start+end ((criterion char-set:whitespace) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-trim-both s rest
      (cond ((string-skip s criterion start end) =>
	     (lambda (i)
	       (%substring/shared s i (+ 1 (string-skip-right s criterion i end)))))
	    (else "")))))

(define (string-pad-right s n . char+start+end)
  (let-optionals* char+start+end ((char #\space (char? char)) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-pad-right s rest
      (check-arg (lambda (n) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (<= 0 n)))
		 n string-pad-right)
      (let ((len (- end start)))
	(if (<= n len)
	    (%substring/shared s start (+ start n))
	    (let ((ans (make-string n char)))
	      (%string-copy! ans 0 s start end)

(define (string-pad s n . char+start+end)
  (let-optionals* char+start+end ((char #\space (char? char)) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-pad s rest
      (check-arg (lambda (n) (and (integer? n) (exact? n) (<= 0 n)))
		 n string-pad)
      (let ((len (- end start)))
	(if (<= n len)
	    (%substring/shared s (- end n) end)
	    (let ((ans (make-string n char)))
	      (%string-copy! ans (- n len) s start end)

(define (string-delete criterion s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-delete s maybe-start+end
    (if (procedure? criterion)
	(let* ((slen (- end start))
	       (temp (make-string slen))
	       (ans-len (string-fold (lambda (c i)
				       (if (criterion c) i
					   (begin (string-set! temp i c)
						  (+ i 1))))
				     0 s start end)))
	  (if (= ans-len slen) temp (substring temp 0 ans-len)))

	(let* ((cset (cond ((char-set? criterion) criterion)
			   ((char? criterion) (char-set criterion))
			   (else (error "string-delete criterion not predicate, char or char-set" criterion))))
	       (len (string-fold (lambda (c i) (if (char-set-contains? cset c)
						   (+ i 1)))
				 0 s start end))
	       (ans (make-string len)))
	  (string-fold (lambda (c i) (if (char-set-contains? cset c)
					 (begin (string-set! ans i c)
						(+ i 1))))
		       0 s start end)

(define (string-filter criterion s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-filter s maybe-start+end
    (if (procedure? criterion)
	(let* ((slen (- end start))
	       (temp (make-string slen))
	       (ans-len (string-fold (lambda (c i)
				       (if (criterion c)
					   (begin (string-set! temp i c)
						  (+ i 1))
				     0 s start end)))
	  (if (= ans-len slen) temp (substring temp 0 ans-len)))

	(let* ((cset (cond ((char-set? criterion) criterion)
			   ((char? criterion) (char-set criterion))
			   (else (error "string-delete criterion not predicate, char or char-set" criterion))))

	       (len (string-fold (lambda (c i) (if (char-set-contains? cset c)
						   (+ i 1)
				 0 s start end))
	       (ans (make-string len)))
	  (string-fold (lambda (c i) (if (char-set-contains? cset c)
					 (begin (string-set! ans i c)
						(+ i 1))
		       0 s start end)

(define (string-index str criterion . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-index str maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (char=? criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))
	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))
	  ((procedure? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (+ i 1))))))
	  (else (error "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
		       string-index criterion)))))

(define (string-index-right str criterion . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-index-right str maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (char=? criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (- i 1))))))
	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (- i 1))))))
	  ((procedure? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (criterion (string-ref str i)) i
		      (lp (- i 1))))))
	  (else (error "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
		       string-index-right criterion)))))

(define (string-skip str criterion . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-skip str maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (char=? criterion (string-ref str i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))
	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref str i))
		      (lp (+ i 1))
	  ((procedure? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i start))
	     (and (< i end)
		  (if (criterion (string-ref str i)) (lp (+ i 1))
	  (else (error "Second param is neither char-set, char, or predicate procedure."
		       string-skip criterion)))))

(define (string-skip-right str criterion . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-skip-right str maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (char=? criterion (string-ref str i))
		      (lp (- i 1))
	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref str i))
		      (lp (- i 1))
	  ((procedure? criterion)
	   (let lp ((i (- end 1)))
	     (and (>= i start)
		  (if (criterion (string-ref str i)) (lp (- i 1))
	  (else (error "CRITERION param is neither char-set or char."
		       string-skip-right criterion)))))

(define (string-count s criterion . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-count s maybe-start+end
    (cond ((char? criterion)
	   (do ((i start (+ i 1))
		(count 0 (if (char=? criterion (string-ref s i))
			     (+ count 1)
	       ((>= i end) count)))

	  ((char-set? criterion)
	   (do ((i start (+ i 1))
		(count 0 (if (char-set-contains? criterion (string-ref s i))
			     (+ count 1)
	       ((>= i end) count)))

	  ((procedure? criterion)
	   (do ((i start (+ i 1))
		(count 0 (if (criterion (string-ref s i)) (+ count 1) count)))
	       ((>= i end) count)))

	  (else (error "CRITERION param is neither char-set or char."
		       string-count criterion)))))

(define (string-fill! s char . maybe-start+end)
  (check-arg char? char string-fill!)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-fill! s maybe-start+end
    (do ((i (- end 1) (- i 1)))
	((< i start))
      (string-set! s i char))))

(define (string-copy! to tstart from . maybe-fstart+fend)
  (let-string-start+end (fstart fend) string-copy! from maybe-fstart+fend
    (check-arg integer? tstart string-copy!)
    (check-substring-spec string-copy! to tstart (+ tstart (- fend fstart)))
    (%string-copy! to tstart from fstart fend)))

;;; Library-internal routine
(define (%string-copy! to tstart from fstart fend)
  (if (> fstart tstart)
      (do ((i fstart (+ i 1))
	   (j tstart (+ j 1)))
	  ((>= i fend))
	(string-set! to j (string-ref from i)))

      (do ((i (- fend 1)                    (- i 1))
	   (j (+ -1 tstart (- fend fstart)) (- j 1)))
	  ((< i fstart))
	(string-set! to j (string-ref from i)))))

(define (string-contains text pattern . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (t-start t-end p-start p-end)
                         string-contains text pattern maybe-starts+ends
    (%kmp-search pattern text char=? p-start p-end t-start t-end)))

(define (string-contains-ci text pattern . maybe-starts+ends)
  (let-string-start+end2 (t-start t-end p-start p-end)
                         string-contains-ci text pattern maybe-starts+ends
    (%kmp-search pattern text char-ci=? p-start p-end t-start t-end)))

;;; Knuth-Morris-Pratt string searching

(define (%kmp-search pattern text c= p-start p-end t-start t-end)
  (let ((plen (- p-end p-start))
	(rv (make-kmp-restart-vector pattern c= p-start p-end)))

    ;; The search loop. TJ & PJ are redundant state.
    (let lp ((ti t-start) (pi 0)
	     (tj (- t-end t-start)) ; (- tlen ti) -- how many chars left.
	     (pj plen))		 ; (- plen pi) -- how many chars left.

      (if (= pi plen)
	  (- ti plen)			; Win.
	  (and (<= pj tj)		; Lose.
	       (if (c= (string-ref text ti) ; Search.
		       (string-ref pattern (+ p-start pi)))
		   (lp (+ 1 ti) (+ 1 pi) (- tj 1) (- pj 1)) ; Advance.
		   (let ((pi (vector-ref rv pi))) ; Retreat.
		     (if (= pi -1)
			 (lp (+ ti 1) 0  (- tj 1) plen) ; Punt.
			 (lp ti       pi tj       (- plen pi))))))))))

(define (make-kmp-restart-vector pattern . maybe-c=+start+end)
  (let-optionals* maybe-c=+start+end
                  ((c= char=? (procedure? c=))
		   ((start end) (lambda (args)
				  (string-parse-start+end make-kmp-restart-vector
							  pattern args))))
    (let* ((rvlen (- end start))
	   (rv (make-vector rvlen -1)))
      (if (> rvlen 0)
	  (let ((rvlen-1 (- rvlen 1))
		(c0 (string-ref pattern start)))

	    ;; Here's the main loop. We have set rv[0] ... rv[i].
	    ;; K = I + START -- it is the corresponding index into PATTERN.
	    (let lp1 ((i 0) (j -1) (k start))	
	      (if (< i rvlen-1)
		  ;; lp2 invariant:
		  ;;   pat[(k-j) .. k-1] matches pat[start .. start+j-1]
		  ;;   or j = -1.
		  (let lp2 ((j j))
		    (cond ((= j -1)
			   (let ((i1 (+ 1 i)))
			     (if (not (c= (string-ref pattern (+ k 1)) c0))
				 (vector-set! rv i1 0))
			     (lp1 i1 0 (+ k 1))))
			  ;; pat[(k-j) .. k] matches pat[start..start+j].
			  ((c= (string-ref pattern k) (string-ref pattern (+ j start)))
			   (let* ((i1 (+ 1 i))
				  (j1 (+ 1 j)))
			     (vector-set! rv i1 j1)
			     (lp1 i1 j1 (+ k 1))))

			  (else (lp2 (vector-ref rv j)))))))))

(define (kmp-step pat rv c i c= p-start)
  (let lp ((i i))
    (if (c= c (string-ref pat (+ i p-start)))	; Match =>
	(+ i 1)					;   Done.
	(let ((i (vector-ref rv i)))		; Back up in PAT.
	  (if (= i -1) 0			; Can't back up further.
	      (lp i))))))			; Keep trying for match.

(define (string-kmp-partial-search pat rv s i . c=+p-start+s-start+s-end)
  (check-arg vector? rv string-kmp-partial-search)
  (let-optionals* c=+p-start+s-start+s-end
		  ((c=      char=? (procedure? c=))
		   (p-start 0 (and (integer? p-start) (exact? p-start) (<= 0 p-start)))
		   ((s-start s-end) (lambda (args)
				      (string-parse-start+end string-kmp-partial-search
							      s args))))
    (let ((patlen (vector-length rv)))
      (check-arg (lambda (i) (and (integer? i) (exact? i) (<= 0 i) (< i patlen)))
		 i string-kmp-partial-search)

      ;; Enough prelude. Here's the actual code.
      (let lp ((si s-start)		; An index into S.
	       (vi i))			; An index into RV.
	(cond ((= vi patlen) (- si))	; Win.
	      ((= si s-end) vi)		; Ran off the end.
	      (else			; Match s[si] & loop.
	       (let ((c (string-ref s si)))
		 (lp (+ si 1)	
		     (let lp2 ((vi vi))	; This is just KMP-STEP.
		       (if (c= c (string-ref pat (+ vi p-start)))
			   (+ vi 1)
			   (let ((vi (vector-ref rv vi)))
			     (if (= vi -1) 0
				 (lp2 vi)))))))))))))

(define (string-null? s) (zero? (string-length s)))

(define (string-reverse s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-reverse s maybe-start+end
    (let* ((len (- end start))
	   (ans (make-string len)))
      (do ((i start (+ i 1))
	   (j (- len 1) (- j 1)))
	  ((< j 0))
	(string-set! ans j (string-ref s i)))

(define (string-reverse! s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string-reverse! s maybe-start+end
    (do ((i (- end 1) (- i 1))
	 (j start (+ j 1)))
	((<= i j))
      (let ((ci (string-ref s i)))
	(string-set! s i (string-ref s j))
	(string-set! s j ci)))))

(define (reverse-list->string clist)
  (let* ((len (length clist))
	 (s (make-string len)))
    (do ((i (- len 1) (- i 1))   (clist clist (cdr clist)))
	((not (pair? clist)))
      (string-set! s i (car clist)))

(define (string->list s . maybe-start+end)
  (let-string-start+end (start end) string->list s maybe-start+end
    (do ((i (- end 1) (- i 1))
	 (ans '() (cons (string-ref s i) ans)))
	((< i start) ans))))

(define (string-append/shared . strings) (string-concatenate/shared strings))

(define (string-concatenate/shared strings)
  (let lp ((strings strings) (nchars 0) (first #f))
    (cond ((pair? strings)			; Scan the args, add up total
	   (let* ((string  (car strings))	; length, remember 1st 
		  (tail (cdr strings))		; non-empty string.
		  (slen (string-length string)))
	     (if (zero? slen)
		 (lp tail nchars first)
		 (lp tail (+ nchars slen) (or first strings)))))

	  ((zero? nchars) "")

	  ;; Just one non-empty string! Return it.
	  ((= nchars (string-length (car first))) (car first))

	  (else (let ((ans (make-string nchars)))
		  (let lp ((strings first) (i 0))
		    (if (pair? strings)
			(let* ((s (car strings))
			       (slen (string-length s)))
			  (%string-copy! ans i s 0 slen)
			  (lp (cdr strings) (+ i slen)))))

(define (string-concatenate strings)
  (let* ((total (do ((strings strings (cdr strings))
		     (i 0 (+ i (string-length (car strings)))))
		    ((not (pair? strings)) i)))
	 (ans (make-string total)))
    (let lp ((i 0) (strings strings))
      (if (pair? strings)
	  (let* ((s (car strings))
		 (slen (string-length s)))
	    (%string-copy! ans i s 0 slen)
	    (lp (+ i slen) (cdr strings)))))

(define (string-concatenate-reverse string-list . maybe-final+end)
  (let-optionals* maybe-final+end ((final "" (string? final))
				   (end (string-length final)
					(and (integer? end)
					     (exact? end)
					     (<= 0 end (string-length final)))))
    (let ((len (let lp ((sum 0) (lis string-list))
		 (if (pair? lis)
		     (lp (+ sum (string-length (car lis))) (cdr lis))

      (%finish-string-concatenate-reverse len string-list final end))))

(define (string-concatenate-reverse/shared string-list . maybe-final+end)
  (let-optionals* maybe-final+end ((final "" (string? final))
				   (end (string-length final)
					(and (integer? end)
					     (exact? end)
					     (<= 0 end (string-length final)))))
    (let lp ((len 0) (nzlist #f) (lis string-list))
      (if (pair? lis)
	  (let ((slen (string-length (car lis))))
	    (lp (+ len slen)
		(if (or nzlist (zero? slen)) nzlist lis)
		(cdr lis)))

	  (cond ((zero? len) (substring/shared final 0 end))

		;; LEN > 0, so NZLIST is non-empty.

		((and (zero? end) (= len (string-length (car nzlist))))
		 (car nzlist))

		(else (%finish-string-concatenate-reverse len nzlist final end)))))))

(define (%finish-string-concatenate-reverse len string-list final end)
  (let ((ans (make-string (+ end len))))
    (%string-copy! ans len final 0 end)
    (let lp ((i len) (lis string-list))
      (if (pair? lis)
	  (let* ((s   (car lis))
		 (lis (cdr lis))
		 (slen (string-length s))
		 (i (- i slen)))
	    (%string-copy! ans i s 0 slen)
	    (lp i lis))))

(define (string-replace s1 s2 start1 end1 . maybe-start+end)
  (check-substring-spec string-replace s1 start1 end1)
  (let-string-start+end (start2 end2) string-replace s2 maybe-start+end
    (let* ((slen1 (string-length s1))
	   (sublen2 (- end2 start2))
	   (alen (+ (- slen1 (- end1 start1)) sublen2))
	   (ans (make-string alen)))
      (%string-copy! ans 0 s1 0 start1)
      (%string-copy! ans start1 s2 start2 end2)
      (%string-copy! ans (+ start1 sublen2) s1 end1 slen1)

(define (string-tokenize s . token-chars+start+end)
  (let-optionals* token-chars+start+end
                  ((token-chars char-set:graphic (char-set? token-chars)) rest)
    (let-string-start+end (start end) string-tokenize s rest
      (let lp ((i end) (ans '()))
	(cond ((and (< start i) (string-index-right s token-chars start i)) =>
	       (lambda (tend-1)
		 (let ((tend (+ 1 tend-1)))
		   (cond ((string-skip-right s token-chars start tend-1) =>
			  (lambda (tstart-1)
			    (lp tstart-1
				(cons (substring s (+ 1 tstart-1) tend)
			 (else (cons (substring s start tend) ans))))))
	      (else ans))))))

(define (xsubstring s from . maybe-to+start+end)
  (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? val) (exact? val)))
	     from xsubstring)
  (receive (to start end)
           (if (pair? maybe-to+start+end)
	       (let-string-start+end (start end) xsubstring s (cdr maybe-to+start+end)
		 (let ((to (car maybe-to+start+end)))
		   (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? val)
						 (exact? val)
						 (<= from val)))
			      to xsubstring)
		   (values to start end)))
	       (let ((slen (string-length (check-arg string? s xsubstring))))
		 (values (+ from slen) 0 slen)))
    (let ((slen   (- end start))
	  (anslen (- to  from)))
      (cond ((zero? anslen) "")
	    ((zero? slen) (error "Cannot replicate empty (sub)string"
				  xsubstring s from to start end))

	    ((= 1 slen)		; Fast path for 1-char replication.
	     (make-string anslen (string-ref s start)))

	    ;; Selected text falls entirely within one span.
	    ((= (floor (/ from slen)) (floor (/ to slen)))
	     (substring s (+ start (modulo from slen))
			  (+ start (modulo to   slen))))

	    ;; Selected text requires multiple spans.
	    (else (let ((ans (make-string anslen)))
		    (%multispan-repcopy! ans 0 s from to start end)

(define (string-xcopy! target tstart s sfrom . maybe-sto+start+end)
  (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? val) (exact? val)))
	     sfrom string-xcopy!)
  (receive (sto start end)
           (if (pair? maybe-sto+start+end)
	       (let-string-start+end (start end) string-xcopy! s (cdr maybe-sto+start+end)
		 (let ((sto (car maybe-sto+start+end)))
		   (check-arg (lambda (val) (and (integer? val) (exact? val)))
			      sto string-xcopy!)
		   (values sto start end)))
	       (let ((slen (string-length s)))
		 (values (+ sfrom slen) 0 slen)))

    (let* ((tocopy (- sto sfrom))
	   (tend (+ tstart tocopy))
	   (slen (- end start)))
      (check-substring-spec string-xcopy! target tstart tend)
      (cond ((zero? tocopy))
	    ((zero? slen) (error "Cannot replicate empty (sub)string"
				 target tstart s sfrom sto start end))

	    ((= 1 slen)			; Fast path for 1-char replication.
	     (string-fill! target (string-ref s start) tstart tend))

	    ;; Selected text falls entirely within one span.
	    ((= (floor (/ sfrom slen)) (floor (/ sto slen)))
	     (%string-copy! target tstart s 
			    (+ start (modulo sfrom slen))
			    (+ start (modulo sto   slen))))

	    ;; Multi-span copy.
	    (else (%multispan-repcopy! target tstart s sfrom sto start end))))))

(define (%multispan-repcopy! target tstart s sfrom sto start end)
  (let* ((slen (- end start))
	 (i0 (+ start (modulo sfrom slen)))
	 (total-chars (- sto sfrom)))

    (%string-copy! target tstart s i0 end)
    (let* ((ncopied (- end i0))			; We've copied this many.
	   (nleft (- total-chars ncopied))	; # chars left to copy.
	   (nspans (quotient nleft slen)))	; # whole spans to copy
      (do ((i (+ tstart ncopied) (+ i slen))	; Current target index.
	   (nspans nspans (- nspans 1)))	; # spans to copy
	  ((zero? nspans)
	   ;; Copy the partial-span @ the end & we're done.
	   (%string-copy! target i s start (+ start (- total-chars (- i tstart)))))

	(%string-copy! target i s start end))))); Copy a whole span.

(define (string-join strings . delim+grammar)
  (let-optionals* delim+grammar ((delim " " (string? delim))
				 (grammar 'infix))
    (let ((buildit (lambda (lis final)
		     (let recur ((lis lis))
		       (if (pair? lis)
			   (cons delim (cons (car lis) (recur (cdr lis))))

      (cond ((pair? strings)
	      (case grammar

		((infix strict-infix)
		 (cons (car strings) (buildit (cdr strings) '())))

		((prefix) (buildit strings '()))

		 (cons (car strings) (buildit (cdr strings) (list delim))))

		(else (error "Illegal join grammar"
			     grammar string-join)))))

	     ((not (null? strings))
	      (error "STRINGS parameter not list." strings string-join))

	     ;; STRINGS is ()

	     ((eq? grammar 'strict-infix)
	      (error "Empty list cannot be joined with STRICT-INFIX grammar."

	     (else "")))))		; Special-cased for infix grammar.

;;; Copyright details
;;; The prefix/suffix and comparison routines in this code had (extremely
;;; distant) origins in MIT Scheme's string lib, and was substantially
;;; reworked by Olin Shivers (shivers@xxxxxxxxxx) 9/98. As such, it is
;;; covered by MIT Scheme's open source copyright. See below for details.
;;; The KMP string-search code was influenced by implementations written
;;; by Stephen Bevan, Brian Dehneyer and Will Fitzgerald. However, this
;;; version was written from scratch by myself.
;;; The remainder of this code was written from scratch by myself for scsh.
;;; The scsh copyright is a BSD-style open source copyright. See below for
;;; details.
;;;     -Olin Shivers

;;; MIT Scheme copyright terms
;;; This material was developed by the Scheme project at the Massachusetts
;;; Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and
;;; Computer Science.  Permission to copy and modify this software, to
;;; redistribute either the original software or a modified version, and
;;; to use this software for any purpose is granted, subject to the
;;; following restrictions and understandings.
;;; 1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
;;; in full.
;;; 2. Users of this software agree to make their best efforts (a) to
;;; return to the MIT Scheme project any improvements or extensions that
;;; they make, so that these may be included in future releases; and (b)
;;; to inform MIT of noteworthy uses of this software.
;;; 3. All materials developed as a consequence of the use of this
;;; software shall duly acknowledge such use, in accordance with the usual
;;; standards of acknowledging credit in academic research.
;;; 4. MIT has made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
;;; this software will be error-free, and MIT is under no obligation to
;;; provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
;;; 5. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this material,
;;; there shall be no use of the name of the Massachusetts Institute of
;;; Technology nor of any adaptation thereof in any advertising,
;;; promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent from
;;; MIT in each case.

;;; Scsh copyright terms
;;; All rights reserved.
;;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
;;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
;;; are met:
;;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
;;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
;;;    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
;;;    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
;;; 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products
;;;    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.