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SRFI-1's fold is not fold-left!

Dear Manuel, et.al.,

While translating some OCaml code I have come across the following
discrepancy. Although it is known, it is worthwhile to mention it, I
think. The SRFI-1's fold is not actually a fold-left (it is mentioned 
in passing in SRFI-1 itself that F's args are flipped w.r.t. MIT-Scheme
and Haskell). 

To set things straight, I think, it would make sense to add a fold-left
function to Bigloo (and maybe to the SRFI-1 itself). An example patch is
attached (fold-left)

Kind regards,

P.S. Also attached is a comparable patch for SLIB.
# HG changeset patch
# Parent a3c09eae22b731dc89af30c71769fc1ff4b2866e

diff -r a3c09eae22b7 api/srfi1/src/Llib/srfi1.srfi
--- a/api/srfi1/src/Llib/srfi1.srfi	Wed Oct 31 09:27:15 2012 +0100
+++ b/api/srfi1/src/Llib/srfi1.srfi	Wed Oct 31 09:54:10 2012 +0100
@@ -835,8 +835,21 @@
       (let recur ((seed seed))
 	(if (p seed) '()
 	    (cons (f seed) (recur (g seed)))))))
+; real fold-left (ala Haskell & OCaml)
+(define (fold-left kons knil lis1 . lists)
+  (check-arg procedure? kons fold-left)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      (let lp ((lists (cons lis1 lists)) (ans knil))	; N-ary case
+	(receive (cars cdrs) (%cars+cdrs lists)
+	  (if (null? cars) ans ; Done.
+	      (lp cdrs (apply kons ans cars)))))
+      (let lp ((lis lis1) (ans knil))			; Fast path
+	(if (null-list? lis) ans
+	    (lp (cdr lis) (kons ans (car lis)))))))
+; fold-left with flipped args (kept for compatibility purposes)
 (define (fold kons knil lis1 . lists)
   (check-arg procedure? kons fold)
   (if (pair? lists)
@@ -875,6 +888,20 @@
       (let recur ((lis lis1))				; Fast path
 	(if (null-list? lis) zero (f lis (recur (cdr lis)))))))
+; This one is easier that fold-left, surprisingly...
+(define (pair-fold-left f zero lis1 . lists)
+  (check-arg procedure? f pair-fold-left)
+  (if (pair? lists)
+      (let lp ((lists (cons lis1 lists)) (ans zero))	; N-ary case
+	(let ((tails (%cdrs lists)))
+	  (if (null? tails) ans
+	      (lp tails (apply f ans lists)))))
+      (let lp ((lis lis1) (ans zero))
+	(if (null-list? lis) ans
+	    (let ((tail (cdr lis)))		; Grab the cdr now,
+	      (lp tail (f ans lis)))))))
 (define (pair-fold f zero lis1 . lists)
   (check-arg procedure? f pair-fold)
   (if (pair? lists)
@@ -897,6 +924,12 @@
   (if (null-list? lis) ridentity
       (fold f (car lis) (cdr lis))))
+; use fold-left rather than fold...
+(define (reduce-left f ridentity lis)
+  (check-arg procedure? f reduce-left)
+  (if (null-list? lis) ridentity
+      (fold-left f (car lis) (cdr lis))))
 (define (reduce-right f ridentity lis)
   (check-arg procedure? f reduce-right)
   (if (null-list? lis) ridentity
--- srfi-1.scm	2008-12-08 03:29:50.000000000 +0100
+++ srfi-1.scm	2012-10-31 10:01:58.512712354 +0100
@@ -234,6 +234,13 @@
       (apply fold (cons* f (apply f (append! (map car l) (list z)))
 			 (map cdr l)))))
+(define (fold-left f z l1 . l)
+  (set! l (cons l1 l))
+  (if (any null? l)
+      z
+      (apply fold-left (cons* f (apply f (append! (list z) (map car l)))
+			 (map cdr l)))))
 ;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
 (define (fold-right f z l1 . l)
   (set! l (cons l1 l))
@@ -247,6 +254,11 @@
       (let ((tail (cdr l)))
 	(pair-fold f (f l z) tail))))
+(define (pair-fold-left f z l)		;XXX should be multi-arg
+  (if (null? l)
+      z
+      (let ((tail (cdr l)))
+	(pair-fold-left f (f z l) tail))))
 ;;@args kons knil clist1 clist2 ...
 (define (pair-fold-right f z l)		;XXX should be multi-arg
   (if (null? l)
@@ -264,6 +276,17 @@
 		       (fold f (car list) (cdr list)))))
+(define reduce-left
+  (let ((comlist-reduce reduce-left))
+    (lambda args
+      (apply (if (= 2 (length args))
+		 comlist-reduce
+		 (lambda (f ridentity list)
+		   (if (null? list)
+		       ridentity
+		       (fold-left f (car list) (cdr list)))))
+	     args))))
 (define (reduce-right f ridentity list)
   (if (null? list)